Experiences With Discrimination

If I were faced with these circumstances where a company that I admire were accused of discrimination, I would want to know more. Especially in today’s culture there are many times I read headlines that are misleading and written as clickbait. As a result I am naturally skeptical until I am able to really get a handle on what the situation is. I think it is really important for other people to keep this in mind as well rather than just believing the first thing they read.

In this case I am assuming that the claim is legitimate. My perspective on the company from this point on would change significantly. Depending on the situation my support would also change accordingly. If it was one individual and the company could show that they were taking appropriate steps to prevent anything from happening again I would consider continuing my support. However, if it is something that is too engrained in the company I would not feel comfortable supporting them further.

Additionally, I would not want to work for a company that has this kind of culture. As I mentioned before I do believe that just like people, companies make mistakes. If action is taken to correct it and the company can learn from their mistakes then they will become better in the long run. Unfortunately, this is often not the case and if something like this is brought up there is often much more under the surface. I personally would not take the risk if I saw warning signs that the company culture allowed for discrimination.

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  1. Hey Courtney,

    I like that you mention your skepticism in the beginning of the post, it is smart to do our own research and read other articles to avoid any biases projected by the writers. Like you mentioned briefly, believing the first thing you read is not the most wise. I also liked the detail you included about whether or not the company was taking steps towards preventing further discrimination, and how that might affect your feelings towards the company. I would definitely feel more comfortable supporting that company again if they were taking notable steps towards fixing their mistakes. But, like you, I would still not apply for a job there. Thank you for sharing, great post!

  2. Hi Courtney,
    Your post was very insightful. You brought up an interesting point about considering whether or not the discrimination was ingrained in the organization or came about because of a single employee. This would be important to research while deciding whether or not to apply for a job there. I agree that it is important to do your research, and check the claims made in the article. I also liked your point that companies make mistakes. If the company had a long history of discrimination, however, I would not want to work for them either.

  3. Hi Courtney,
    I also discussed being skeptical and critical of the story at first, I’m glad to see that other people are thinking about that as well. Like you said, there are a lot of misleading headlines or stories with their own agendas that make it seem like something else is happening. I think you make a fair argument for not wanting to work at the company after a scandal like this either. I agree that this could be a sign of a deeper cultural issue. Good post!

  4. Hi Courtney,
    Thanks for sharing your awesome view on workplace discrimination. It is true that we should not believe all from the writers and we should do our own researches before making any judgement. If the company really did such things then I definitely will not apply. Great post!

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