Here is the first draft of the Division Values & Goals. Please take a look and write your feedback in the comments section!

We’re gathering input now from the Division Executive Team, Program Leaders, Directors, and Regional Administrators. January 22nd through January 29th we’ll be meeting with Division faculty and staff for detailed feedback on the next draft of the values and goals. When we do that, any and all aspects of the draft will be on the table for revision. We just wanted to give you a chance now to ring in and see where we are in the drafting process.

2016 O&E Strat Plan_Draft 1_20151216

During the Extension Conference last week, a few colleagues asked if I could post some of the strategic plans we’re using to guide our development of the Division Strategic Plan. Specifically, they asked for the Extension and Extension Program Area strategic plans, so here they are – in one place, along with OSU SP 3.0 and the Open Campus plan!

Extension overall: extension_service_strategic_plan_2004_updated_2005

Extension Family & Community Health: FCH Strategic Plan Final

Extension Agriculture & Natural Resources (College of Agriculture): College of Ag_strat_2020_full_20140810

SeaGrant: SeaGrant 2014-2017 Strategic Plan

Forestry & Natural Resources Extension: Forestry Extension Strategic Plan

4-H: 4-H Strategic Plan – updated May 2015

OSU: osu-strategicplan 3.0 -final-revised2

Open Campus: Open Campus 2015 Measures for Outcomes and Evaluation

Phase 2 – Development of Broad Strategies for Achieving Strategic Goals

March 2016 to June 2016

Phase 2 Process Visual


Phase 2 starts with processes to identify an initial set of promising strategies from Division faculty & staff and from other universities. We’ll be running these processes parallel to each other:

  1. Design Division-wide survey data collection effort that will reveal:
  • Strategies Division faculty and staff have used or are using to reach Strategic Goals.
  • Other strategies Division faculty and staff think might help the Division achieve Strategic Goals
  • Strategies Division faculty and staff have seen other universities use to reach Strategic Goals and the names of those universities
  1. At the same time, design data collection effort that will reveal strategies other “like” universities have used to reach goals similar to our goals, using information from faculty and staff about universities with whom we should follow-up

2. Preliminary quick analysis of survey data to identify other universities with whom to follow-up about relevant strategies

3. Implement survey to solicit information from Division faculty and staff about strategies


4. Full survey data analysis to identify all of the strategies faculty and staff think might support goal areas and could be scaled or maintained across the Division


4. (Again, at the same time) Implement data collection effort to gather information about strategies other universities have used to reach goals similar to ours


5. Data analysis to identify strategies other universities have used that might support achievement of Division goals

6. Report survey findings and findings from other universities back to steering committee

Then the process continues in a linear fashion:

  1. Steering Committee creates a preliminary list of strategies to achieve Division’s strategic goals based on faculty and staff survey as well as information gathered from other universities
  2. Reach out to Division faculty and staff as well as external stakeholders in order to solicit their participation in meetings to add strategies to the preliminary list.
  3. Hold regional focus groups (meetings) with faculty, staff, and external stakeholders to identify additional effective strategies for achieving goals (share with them the previously identified strategies before they start brainstorming)
  4. Analysis of focus group data to identify all of the additional strategies faculty, staff, and external stakeholders think will support achievement of goals and should be implemented across the Division
  5. Report findings back to steering committee, and committee selects applicable strategies from the entire list of identified strategies (yielding Draft 1 – Strategies)
  6. Share selected strategies with Executive Leadership Team (Reed, King, and TBA) and eliminate unrealistic strategies (yielding Draft 2 – Strategies)
  7. Share Draft 2 with Division faculty and staff via webinar, publish to blog, get feedback and revise into Draft 3 – Strategies
  8. Share Draft 3 with Executive Leadership Team (Reed, King, and TBA), and revise (yielding Draft 4 – Strategies)
  9. Strategic Plan Steering Committee organizes Draft 4 Strategies into final high-level (broad) strategies and final specific action steps. Those are then published on blog as the final list of strategies that will be included in the Strategic Plan (Executive Summary and Full Plan).
  10. Final Strategic Goals, Values, Strategies, and Action Steps are sent to graphic designer for publication

What do you think about this process?

Phase 1 – Development of Strategic Goals and Division Values

October 2015 to February 2016

  1. Establish an online space for two-way communication between Division faculty and staff and the Strategic Plan Steering Committee about the planning process and drafts of the Strategic Plan.
  2. Modify current Division goals based on OSU SP 3.0, strategic plans from across the Division, and strategic plans from external stakeholders, and identify overarching values across those plans
  3. Share draft with Division Executive Team leadership (Reed, King, and TBA) to check direction and make necessary modifications, publish to online space.
  4. Share draft with unit directors, program leaders, and regional administrators in meeting
  5. Modify based on feedback, publish to online space.
  6. Share with larger audiences of Division faculty and staff via webinars or in-person seminars. Gather feedback from participants during session and very shortly thereafter.
  7. Modify based on feedback, publish to online space.
  8. Share with Division Exec Team leadership (Reed, King, and TBA), and make modifications
  9. Share penultimate draft of goal areas with the process of development clearly defined, via email and Division-wide recorded webinar
  10. Integrate any last-minute minor feedback and send to Division faculty and staff via email, publish to online space.

Phase 1 Process Visual

Purpose of the Division of Outreach & Engagement’s Strategic Plan

  • Demonstrate the Division’s alignment with OSU’s Strategic Plan 3.0
  • Demonstrate the Division’s alignment with various stakeholders and anticipate the future for those stakeholders
  • Guide the way units in the Division do their outreach and engagement work and operate more generally (as opposed to guide what they do, topically).
  • Provide bold new development/growth opportunities for the way units in the Division operate and engage with clientele (learners and other external entities)
  • Help units see how their current strategies are contributing to the achievement of the Division’s goals. Help them see how they port into the Division.
  • Help units identify/determine if new ideas or strategies they are contemplating or get presented to them will contribute to the Division’s goals
  • Foster a common culture and set of values across Division
  • Spark innovation
  • Inform the development of the 2017 biennium legislative package

Time-frame of Strategic Plan

  • Scheduled completion: June 2016
  • Proposed strategies should be implementable in 5 years

Desired structure of Strategic Plan

  • Once the plan is complete the goals should remain stable, but the strategies should be flexible so that units can adjust or add to them throughout the 5 year implementation phase
  • Outline should be:
  • Diversity, Equity & inclusion should be embedded in each strategic goal area within the broad strategies

Strategic Plan development process must address:

  • OSU SP 3.0
  • Inclusion of stakeholders’ perspectives: University leadership, Public agency siblings, NGOs that do similar work to us and partner with us, Funders (NIFA, legislators, counties), Learners, Internal faculty & staff
  • Whether or not the 2009 strategic plan goal areas are still the right ones for the Division
  • Creation/development of shared values for Division
  • Creation of strategies for achieving goals