The Outdoor Recreation Economy Initiative (OREI) was launched by the division in January, 2019, with the support of OSU Impact Studio. Now in the pilot phase of development, Lee Davis, OREI executive director, shares an update with Extension and Engagement’s Associate Vice Provost Lindsey Shirley in this month’s First Monday Update. 

OREI is focused on workforce training, and community and economic development. Watch the video to learn why OSU Extension adds credibility to the initiative, the type of training that is being launched and what the future of OREI might look like.

Let’s hear from you! What needs do you see in your community related to the outdoor economy (or other sectors) where there is a training opportunity? Your ideas could accelerate economic development in our rural communities. Share your thoughts in the comment section below.

Interim Vice Provost Anita Azarenko asked Dr. Spirit Brooks, Dr. David Lewis, Jane Waite and Luhui Whitebear to join her this month to increase our understanding of respectful ways to acknowledge the contributions Native Americans continue to have on our communities and the natural world around us. Land acknowledgements are one way to honor the indigenous peoples that have for millennia stewarded the land we occupy. Acknowledgements also are an invitation to learn more about Native American culture and a first step to create and strengthen connections with tribal nations and members.

Join us in this month’s First Monday Update to discover more about the importance and relevance of land acknowledgements.

Review a compilation of resources to learn more about the tribes of Oregon and reflect on how you might offer a respectful acknowledgement:

Please share your reflections and questions with Anita by commenting below.