Here are the links and references shared during the talk ‘Adapting Your Yard and Garden for Climate Change’. Feel free to reach out with questions.

Climate Change Resources

Oregon Climate Assessments

NW Pollinators and Climate Change (USDA)

Wildfire Resources

How do Wildfires Affect Bees? (OSU Extension)

Wildfire Ash in Garden (OSU Extension)


Carbon Sequestration

Harvesting peat moss contributes to climate change, Oregon State scientist says

Plant Selection

OregonFlora’s Gardening with Native Plants site

Enhancing Urban and Suburban Landscapes to Protect Pollinators (OSU Extension)

OSU Garden Ecology Lab

Managing Stormwater

Rain Garden webinar

Oregon Rain Garden Guide

Top Tips to Help Fight Climate Change

OSU Programs to Follow

Nackley Lab at NWREC

Climate Ready Landscape Plants (YouTube video) (Oregon State University and others)

Oregon Season Tracker

OSU Garden Ecology Lab

Climate Change & Mental Health

Mental health and Climate Change: Policy Brief from the World Health Organization

What is ecoanxiety and how can mindfulness help?

Good Grief Network (resources page has good info)

Other interesting reads or listens

Pacific Horticulture’s Podcast: What Climate is This? A Garden Futurist Special (Part 1) (Part 2)

Pacific Horticulture: Readily Available Low-Water Plants for a Warming Climate (Featuring OSU research projects)

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