Slides and resources from my presentation to the OSU Extension Multnomah County Master Gardeners.  Covered an overview of climate change and how that can affect the phenology of garden plants as well as changing pest pressures.

Slide deck:

Oregon Forests & Climate Change blog:

Citizen Science on Plant Phenology:

Gardening in the Global Greenhouse (from UK scientists): Summary  Full Text

Follow-up on audience questions (if I missed one, just click ‘leave a reply’ above)

Is there a list of ash tree alternatives? Choose anything but ash (Fraxinus sp.) to avoid loss to Emerald Ash Borers.  Good general source of information:  Local training from OSU Extension on potential invasive insects affecting trees:

What to spray to treat Azalea Lace Bug? Robin Rosetta with the OSU Extension Nursery IPM program has indicated that the nymphs are emerging.  This stage in the life cycle is especially vulnerable to contact insecticides (this is different from the systemic insecticide that the questioner mentioned).  Labeled insecticidal soaps and neem-based products may be a good choice.  Good coverage of the underside of leaves will be necessary.

Recent change in USDA Hardiness zones-does that indicate global warming? “Climate changes are usually based on trends in overall average temperatures recorded over 50-100 years. Because the USDA PHZM represents 30-year averages of what are essentially extreme weather events (the coldest temperature of the year), changes in zones are not reliable evidence of whether there has been global warming.”  From: 

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