Sustainable Engineering Spotlight: Gondar, Ethiopia

Amy Salisbury and Gavin Bennett, civil engineering undergraduate students, learned that culture is often an important factor to consider for sustainable engineering.  Amy, Gavin, and a team of other students have been working on a multi-faceted project to build an irrigation system and housing for a plant nursery and a bathroom for a village school, […]

World Oceans Day is June 8th!

If you missed World Environment Day yesterday (June 5), you’re in luck because you have a chance to redeem yourself by participating in World Oceans Day this Friday, June 8th! World Environment Day and World Oceans Day even have the same action theme this year: prevent and reduce plastic pollution. So instead of beating yourself […]

Contech Stormwater Filters on OSU Campus

Seniors in chemical, biological, and environmental engineering at Oregon State University can culminate their experience with a senior project. This year, a 2017 Senior Capstone Project Report by OSU students (CBEE 416) working with David Eckert of the Corvallis Sustainability Coalition has released a “Comparative Analysis of Stormwater Pollutant Loads Mitigated by Contech Stormwater Filters on OSU […]

OSU Permaculture Design Certificate Program

Returning this January is the Oregon State Exclusive Permaculture Design Certificate Program, a course designed to guide participants through development of their own regenerative landscape designs. Led by Andrew Millison and his team, Permaculture design is “an ethically based, whole-systems design approach to create sustainable human settlements and institutions. Although rooted in horticulture and agriculture, permaculture design […]

15,000 scientists in 184 countries warn about negative global environmental trends

A recent issue of BioScience has revealed the severity of negative trends in certain types of environmental harm and their impact on human well-being. The viewpoint article — “World Scientists’ Warning to Humanity: A Second Notice” — was signed by more than 15,000 scientists in 184 countries. Among the negative 25-year global trends noted in […]

The Best and Worst States for Green Living

Recent research by LEED Consulting firm, Above Green, reveals that Oregon is one of the top states for green living. The state scores exceptionally well in each category relating to energy use, waste management, green buildings, and sustainable building practices. Ranking #3 on the list, Oregon has respectfully held a great reputation for creating awareness […]

SUMMER SUMMIT: Food, Energy and Water Challenges

  This August natural researches from Oregon State University, Washington State University and the University of Idaho will gather to address food, energy and water challenges that our region faces. Each university will be represented by members with their own expertise to address the way these issues effect not only environmental health but also economic […]

Get your water Fresh from the Faucet at our new refill stations

Thank you Olivia Fidler and Holly Robinson for the update on our water filtration stations and Fresh from the Faucet organization. Fresh From the Faucet (FFtF) is a student-led initiative on the OSU main campus focusing on increasing the use of reusable water bottles, consumption of tap water, and decreasing the use of bottled water […]

OSU Students Provide Important Research on Stormwater Assessment

Recently, a stormwater assessment was conducted by three OSU students, Michael Kelly, Tracie Tran, and Harrison Holzgang, along with their sponsor, David Eckert, of the Corvallis Sustainability Coalition. The objectives of their research were to both assess the quality of OSU’s stormwater as well as its impact on Oak Creek, an EPA-classified impaired stream. To conduct […]

Help Combat Climate Change as a Neighborhood Sustainability Steward!

OSU Extension’s innovative Neighborhood Sustainability Stewards volunteer program engages the local community in climate change actions on a household level.  Program goals are: to engage the general public in a climate change conversation, to give the public tools to lower CO2 emissions on a household level, and to provide skills to live sustainably in a […]