Beyond Earth Day: A Week in Summary

Last week, from April 20th to the 27th, ASOSU, CCE, SSI, Campus Recycling, and the Sustainability Office hosted Beyond Earth Day, an annual celebration put on by OSU and the greater Corvallis community. The program hoped to offer engaging events focused on “sustainable earth ecosystems, social progress and justice, and a healthy economy”, with a diverse group […]

Energy Matters – Our Relationship with the Energy Industry

Terra Magazine has released a new article detailing “our contentious relationship with the energy industry”. In this article: Energy Matters by Nick Houtman, we explore the research of Hilary Boudet on the use of energy data for conservation purposes. Boudet has been exploring these issues for years, learning about how energy projects are described and debated by industry and […]

Could Eco-friendly Burials Save the Planet?

How have our funeral practices been impacting the planet? Cynthia Beal, a 30-year veteran of the natural-food movement, has been working to answer this question. She believes that patterns of our current funeral industry have been devastating for our planet, remarking: “I was trying to solve the problem of what would happen to people’s bodies. As […]

OSU Permaculture Design Certificate Program

Returning this January is the Oregon State Exclusive Permaculture Design Certificate Program, a course designed to guide participants through development of their own regenerative landscape designs. Led by Andrew Millison and his team, Permaculture design is “an ethically based, whole-systems design approach to create sustainable human settlements and institutions. Although rooted in horticulture and agriculture, permaculture design […]

Pedal Corvallis Bikeshare Launches Map Upgrade

An exciting upgrade is now available for Pedal Corvallis bikeshare participants. The program’s mobile app now shows the real-time availability of bikes and bike-parking spaces at each station to make trip-planning more user-friendly. Bikesharing is a system of bikes available for short-term use. Pedal Corvallis is a community bikeshare program that includes eight stations, 41 bicycles, and […]

Street Fair: Celebrating Sustainability

Join Campus Recycling, the Student Sustainability Initiative, the Sustainability Office and others today at the Street Fair: Celebrating Sustainability.  Our annual event this time takes place in the Brick Mall just north of the SEC Plaza.  Take a stroll through the Fair and celebrate sustainability with us between 12 and 4pm. Come meet your local […]

Oregon State is One of the “Coolest Schools” in the Nation

Last week, the Sierra Club ranked Oregon State University as one of the top 20 “coolest schools” in the nation. Out of 227 schools, Oregon State is listed as 20th in the nation. The official article can be found here. This ranking is based on several factors such student sustainability outreach, department and faculty engagement […]

OSU Libraries Resident Scholar Lecture: Leah Aronowsky

The OSU Libraries’ first Resident Scholar lecture for 2017-18 has been scheduled for Wednesday, August 16th at 2:00pm, to be held in the Willamette East seminar room on the 3rd floor of the Valley Library. Our speaker will be Leah Aronowsky, a doctoral candidate in the history of science at Harvard University. Her presentation is […]

OSU and City of Corvallis pledge, “We Are Still In”.

  A national pledge has made its way to the City of Corvallis where the mayor and Oregon State President have vowed, “We Are Still In”. This pledge supporting national climate action has been signed by thousands all over the country. This all comes after the June 1 announcement from President Donald Trump that the […]

Beyond Earth Day Starts April 22

Beyond Earth Day Starts next Saturday, April 22! EVENT LINE-UP: (See full event details on the website SATURDAY, APRIL 22 Earth Day of Service: Times vary by project, Departs from M.U. Lounge (Registration required)  March for Science: 1:00 – 4:00 PM, Departs from Benton Co. Courthouse, 120 NW 4th St. Hoo Haa: 2:30 – […]