Street Fair: Celebrating Sustainability

Join Campus Recycling, the Student Sustainability Initiative, the Sustainability Office and others today at the Street Fair: Celebrating Sustainability.  Our annual event this time takes place in the Brick Mall just north of the SEC Plaza.  Take a stroll through the Fair and celebrate sustainability with us between 12 and 4pm. Come meet your local […]

Oregon State is One of the “Coolest Schools” in the Nation

Last week, the Sierra Club ranked Oregon State University as one of the top 20 “coolest schools” in the nation. Out of 227 schools, Oregon State is listed as 20th in the nation. The official article can be found here. This ranking is based on several factors such student sustainability outreach, department and faculty engagement […]

City of Corvallis Airport Solar Array

The City of Corvallis invites you to attend the grand opening of a new 100 kW solar array that has been installed at the Corvallis Municipal Airport. Representatives from the City of Corvallis, Pacific Power and Energy Trust of Oregon, as well as elected state and local leaders, will officially dedicate the new installation at […]

The Best and Worst States for Green Living

Recent research by LEED Consulting firm, Above Green, reveals that Oregon is one of the top states for green living. The state scores exceptionally well in each category relating to energy use, waste management, green buildings, and sustainable building practices. Ranking #3 on the list, Oregon has respectfully held a great reputation for creating awareness […]

OSU Libraries Resident Scholar Lecture: Leah Aronowsky

The OSU Libraries’ first Resident Scholar lecture for 2017-18 has been scheduled for Wednesday, August 16th at 2:00pm, to be held in the Willamette East seminar room on the 3rd floor of the Valley Library. Our speaker will be Leah Aronowsky, a doctoral candidate in the history of science at Harvard University. Her presentation is […]

Improving Clay Soil

“Sand, Silt, or Clay? Texture Says a lot about Soil”, an article written by Kym Pokorny, explains the different textures of soil and how it affects your garden. Avid gardeners in the Willamette Valley know the challenge of trying to produce a thriving flower or vegetable garden in our clay soil. It’s important to know […]

Hiring: Benton County Climate Action Intern

Are you interested in climate change policies and sustainability? Benton County is hiring a Climate Action Intern! This is a funded, part-time internship that will begin in September and run approximately through December. There is a lot of County momentum and initiatives addressing carbon reduction, resource efficiency, and climate adaptation. They are looking for a […]

OSU and City of Corvallis pledge, “We Are Still In”.

  A national pledge has made its way to the City of Corvallis where the mayor and Oregon State President have vowed, “We Are Still In”. This pledge supporting national climate action has been signed by thousands all over the country. This all comes after the June 1 announcement from President Donald Trump that the […]

SSI Professional Development Grant Recipient: Kendall Conroy

Recipient of the SSI Professional Development Grant, Kendall Conroy, has been conducting a parallel research on engineered wood products. In collaboration with Dr. Mariapaloa, Dr. Chris Knowles from Oregon State she also worked with Dr. Manja Kuzman from the University of Ljubljana in Slovenia. She recently attended a conference in Vancouver, Canada to present on this research. This […]

Oregon State staff address “Wicked Problems”.

Oregon State Scholars publish a new book, “New Strategies for Wicked Problems: Science and Solutions in the 21st Century”, a look into current problems that our society confronts on social, economic, political and environmental topics. This book is a series of articles that addresses these issues and proposes an assortment of problem-solving methodologies to confront […]