SSI Professional Development Grant Recipient: Kendall Conroy

Recipient of the SSI Professional Development Grant, Kendall Conroy, has been conducting a parallel research on engineered wood products. In collaboration with Dr. Mariapaloa, Dr. Chris Knowles from Oregon State she also worked with Dr. Manja Kuzman from the University of Ljubljana in Slovenia. She recently attended a conference in Vancouver, Canada to present on this research. This […]

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July 10, 2017

Recipient of the SSI Professional Development Grant, Kendall Conroy, has been conducting a parallel research on engineered wood products. In collaboration with Dr. Mariapaloa, Dr. Chris Knowles from Oregon State she also worked with Dr. Manja Kuzman from the University of Ljubljana in Slovenia. She recently attended a conference in Vancouver, Canada to present on this research. This international conference put on by IUFRO (International Union of Forest Research Organizations) and SWST (Society of Wood Science and Technology), two forest product research organizations.

Conference Header

Her presentation was tiled, “Architect perception of engineered wood products: a parallel study in Europe and USA” and lasted around 15 minutes followed by Q&A. The conference has nearly 500 delegates representing 49 countries from around the world. Most of the attendees were from North America, Asia and Europe, but also included people from Australia, Africa and South America.

Outside of her presentation she had the opportunity to listen to others talk on current forest product related topics. Such topics were on the use of wood to create a healthy built environment, sustainability in the forest sector, and public perceptions of various forest sector products and business trends.


She concluded her report by saying, “I greatly appreciate the SSI for helping me attend this conference and be a part of all the researchers sharing their research to help grow the wood products industry and help promoting a more sustainable culture globally.”

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