Student Staff Spotlight: Isabella Clemmens

Building a sense of camaraderie and community, OSU Sustainability Office and Material Management department are continuing the Student Staff Spotlight series. We want to foster a sense of belonging and pride. Isabella is a passionate 3rd-year Marketing major with a minor in Graphic Design. Her journey began ages ago in high school when she founded […]

July 17, 2023

Building a sense of camaraderie and community, OSU Sustainability Office and Material Management department are continuing the Student Staff Spotlight series. We want to foster a sense of belonging and pride.

Meet our Graphic Design Intern.

Isabella is a passionate 3rd-year Marketing major with a minor in Graphic Design. Her journey began ages ago in high school when she founded her school’s SEA (Student Environmental Action) Club, dedicated to re-homing bees to preserve native plants on the campus.

She is a talented Graphic Design Intern! With her creative flair and strong dedication to sustainable practices, she’s become an invaluable addition to the team. Isabella takes the lead in crafting all the office’s marketing assets, infusing them with her artistic touch.

Outside of her professional pursuits, Isabella finds solace in reading, and cooking a mean grill cheese. Her strong work ethic, effective communication skills, and unwavering optimism further are a much needed addition to the office atmosphere.

Keep up the good work, Isabella!


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