Five Four One: Organic, Local and Delicious

Located in the McNary Dining Center, the micro restaurant Five Four One started in Fall 2015 and was recently featured on the Food Management blog with the plant-based grain bowl highlighted. The Food Management post recognizes college campuses around the country who are changing the college food menus for the better towards more nutritious and sustainable options. […]

December 20, 2016

pasta-8Located in the McNary Dining Center, the micro restaurant Five Four One started in Fall 2015 and was recently featured on the Food Management blog with the plant-based grain bowl highlighted. The Food Management post recognizes college campuses around the country who are changing the college food menus for the better towards more nutritious and sustainable options. OSU was recognized twice for items from Five Four One. Named after the area code of the Corvallis area, the restaurant strives to source locally and use 100% organic produce.

Five Four One uses a garden located here on campus, the Callahan Food Forest, located just outside of McNary Dining Center for herbs, lettuce, tomatoes, strawberries and more. They also buy from farms in the surrounding Willamette Valley area for seasonally available produce! Beyond produce Five Four One makes their pizza and pizza dough in house from whole wheat flours from Camas Country Mills located 33 miles from campus in Junction City!

screen-shot-2016-12-20-at-11-36-30-amFive Four One emphasizes  education in the restaurant by providing TV screens highlighting what menu items are available and where the food is sourced. Each item is made fresh and made from scratch. “Yes, making food this way is more labor-intensive than serving pre-packaged items,” Chef Lawson says. “But that’s okay. It’s all part of our mission to support local growers and serve our guests the freshest, most nutritious meal we can offer.”

In addition to sourcing locally, the restaurant emphasizes composting within the facilities. All unusable food scraps are used in compost for the Callahan garden and beyond. Read about the new Compost Policy here! When food may not be sold but is still wholesome for consumption, they donate it to Linn-Benton Food Share or the HRSC Food Pantry on campus. UHDS also partners with OSU Recycling to sort and recycle office products such as paper, batteries, soft plastics, and printer toner cartridges.

Five Four One is closed for Winter Break, but will re-open for Winter Term, Jan 9th!

Thank you UHDS for being a leader in the making OSU a more sustainable campus, and offering wonderful micro restaurants like Five Four One.

A special thanks to Dale Lawson the Chef de Cuisine for Five Four One, and Jennifer Rouse, the Marketing and Communications manager for UHDS for providing the inside details for this blog post!


CATEGORIES: Campus Recycling Campus Sustainability Food