Res. Hall Donation Drive Helps the Planet & People

Each year, Campus Recycling and Surplus Property, in conjunction with University Housing and Dining (UHDS), coordinate an effort to reduce waste during residence hall move-out by educating residents and giving them the tools to recycle and donate as much as possible.  This not only diverts material from our landfill, but gives new life to used […]

June 2, 2011

Each year, Campus Recycling and Surplus Property, in conjunction with University Housing and Dining (UHDS), coordinate an effort to reduce waste during residence hall move-out by educating residents and giving them the tools to recycle and donate as much as possible.  This not only diverts material from our landfill, but gives new life to used items and helps those in our community who are in need. In 2010, we succeeded in donating an estimated 11,651 lbs of material! This included:

  • 2,517 lbs of house wares and miscellaneous materials
  • 872 lbs of food, toiletries, and school supplies
  • 5,262 lbs of clothing and linens
  • ~3,000lb of scrap wood

This year we hope to increase our donation weights by providing each residence hall room with their own move-out kit, which includes a door hanger with detailed instructions, plus bags for sorting their donated material. This will allow students to sort material in their rooms before bringing it downstairs or out to the dumpster. Learn more by visiting our webpage.

Residents have been informed of the donation drive not only through their door hangers but also through Residence Hall Association (RHA) leaders, easel posters in each service center, posters in every hall, large “STOP” signs on the door leading to their dumpster, table tents in UHDS dining centers, the biweely Campus Living eNewsletter, and through the Facebook accounts of Campus Recycling, UHDS and RHA.

2011 Benefiting Organizations

Below are the groups who will receive donated items this year.


Because the influx of material coming from move-out coincides with the absence of our staff (who are busy taking their finals), we need your help! You can assist with the donation drive and recycling collection by receiving and sorting material with us in the warehouse or joining our crew to go out on collection routes! We need help Thursday, Friday, Monday and Tuesday, June 9, 10, 13 and 14; you can choose your own shift times and length between 8 am and 5 pm on any of those days.


Thank you for helping people and the planet!


CATEGORIES: Campus Recycling Surplus Property Waste Reduction

3 thoughts on “Res. Hall Donation Drive Helps the Planet & People

  1. I tried the RSS link from the About page and I can’t get it to open anything or give me the RSS link to add to google reader. Any suggestions? Thanks!

  2. Hi Audrey,
    Thanks for your request. We’ve added Share This links to each post and have also added to the About page a link to the Ecologue RSS feed. It should feed into your email just fine. Please let us know if you have any questions, and thanks for reading!

  3. It would be great if a subscription link could be added to this blog. Many students, including myself, use blog reader programs these days and I would love to add this blog to my reading list. Thanks!

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