First Post

Wow – this is pretty cool. I haven’t had to create blog posts for a course in the program yet, but we’re going to roll with it. This should be a fun way of documenting the project.

Anyways, to address the prompt, I currently am a full-time student in the OSU Ecampus program and am looking for a part-time internship while finishing up my final semester at OSU. I guess what led me here was more or less stumbling into a technical job after graduating at UC Davis with a degree in Art History. Given I was looking for something more than just selling museum tickets, I decided to intern at a museum in San Francisco and learn on the go. This kicked off my past 5 years as an IT Technician.

From here, I worked closely with my companies’ development team, and eventually came around to realize that I enjoyed the creative tinkering that the developers did in their day to day. Given the pandemic forced most people home, I decided that given COVID locking things down, I might as well take my meagre savings and go head first into a CS degree with the intention of making a career change once the pandemic was in the rear-view mirror.

That brings us to now. I look forward to using this semester to build a project that I am proud of, and that I can reference in my job search before/after graduation. I also like the idea of working with my peers and building something that we can all be proud of.

Til next week!


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