Category: Uncategorized

  • Error Handling in Rust

    After writing about Rust in my second blog post, and given the fact that I am still working on picking up the language, I figured I would do the final blog post on error handling in Rust. Most languages only provide one way to handle errors. They usually will throw an exception associated with a…

  • Gettin’ Rusty with Rust!

    This week I am going to be talking about Rust! Given that this is my final quarter, I wanted to challenge myself a bit and try and learn a new language and build a fun portfolio project for the job hunt. I decided to go with Rust as I had heard good things about it…

  • First Post

    Wow – this is pretty cool. I haven’t had to create blog posts for a course in the program yet, but we’re going to roll with it. This should be a fun way of documenting the project. Anyways, to address the prompt, I currently am a full-time student in the OSU Ecampus program and am…