Did you transfer to OSU with a significant amount of credits from a community college? Check out the reverse transfer through OSU Degree Partnership Program where you can use your OSU credits to qualify for an AA degree. Oregon State University has partnered with Linn-Benton Community College to help identify and award Associate degrees to students that have completed the degree requirements but may be unaware of this achievement. At the conclusion of week six each term, the OSU Registrar’s office will send OSU transcripts for qualifying degree partnership program students to Linn-Benton. Linn-Benton will evaulate the course work to determine if requirements have been met for an Associate degree at LBCC. LBCC will contact eligible students.

The transfer of records from OSU to LBCC will cease once a student has been awarded an Associate degree from LBCC or applied for their Baccalaureate degree from OSU.

If you have questions or concerns about this process, you may contact:

LBCC: Jane Tillman, tillmaj@linnbenton.edu or call 541-917-4912

OSU Registrar’s Office: registrars@oregonstate.edu or call 541-737-4331

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