The Workforce Recruitment Program (WRP) will be holding on-campus interviews Friday Nov 4, for PAID Summer Jobs in 2012. Many positions lead to permanent employment upon graduation. Open to all majors and levels, freshmen through graduates!

The Workforce Recruitment Program for College Students with Disabilities (WRP) is a recruitment and referral program that connects public and private sector employers nationwide with highly motivated postsecondary students and recent graduates with disabilities who are eager to prove their abilities in the workplace through summer or permanent jobs. Employers include agencies such as Departments of Defense, Labor, Agriculture, Commerce, Homeland Security, Health and Human Services, Interior, State, Treasury, and Veterans Affairs; the Social Security Administration; the National Aeronautics and Space Administration; the Nuclear Regulatory Commission; the Environmental Protection Agency; the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation; the Farm Credit Administration, and the US Securities and Exchange Commission. Many (but not all) positions are outside of Oregon.

Sign up now for an interview if you meet ALL of the following requirements:

  • have a disability, and
  • are a U.S. citizen, and
  • are enrolled full-time at OSU (unless reduced course load is authorized as a disability-related accommodation) OR you graduated since Fall 2010.

This opportunity is only available to students and recent graduates with disabilities! Hurry, interview spaces are limited and will be filled on a first-come, first-serve basis. For application materials and to sign up for an interview, contact Karen Hanson in the DAS office at (541) 737-8582 (voice) or (email).

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