Important Fall 2024 Dates
Monday, November 18, 6:00 AM: Phase 1 of registration opens for some students; find your Phase 1 & 2 days/times from the registration webpage
Friday, December 6, 11:55 PM: last day to withdraw from the term
November Events for COH Students
Check out the COH events calendar to see what’s happening these days! Here are some coming up:
NEW: Drop-in Winter 2025 Registration Lab
Would you like some guidance registering for classes and an opportunity to obtain your registration PIN? You’re not alone! Please join some College of Health advisors on both Monday, November 18 and Tuesday, November 19 from 10 AM-12 PM in Women’s Building 105 if you’d like some support in planning your Winter 2025 classes (Ecampus students are also welcome; just ask our Peer Ambassadors for a Zoom link!). Please know this session is dedicated specifically to planning for Winter 2025; those who need assistance navigating the Class Search and OSU’s registration system can consult our Peer Ambassadors (linked above).
Participate in Research: Chronic Ankle Instability
The COH Sports Injury Prevention Research Group is calling for participants in a study on chronic ankle instability. If you’re interested and eligible, see more below.

Happy International Education Week!
OSU and COH are proud to promote International Education Week from November 18-22. A bounty of events, performances, and more will be held on campus throughout the week (some with food!). If you have time, please join us in learning more about and celebrating the cultural heritages of those from all across the globe.
Get to Know Your Advisor
Sometimes, we spotlight a COH Advisor or Peer Ambassador, so you can get to know the people behind the desks at the Office of Student Success. This week, we’re glad to introduce one of our newest academic advisors (and a COH alum with his HDFS degree!), David Trinidad (he/him).

What’s your favorite song? – “La Patrulla” by Peso Pluma
What’s your favorite film? – Avengers: Infinity War
What’s your favorite restaurant in Corvallis? – Pupseria del Valle
What’s a strange food combo you enjoy? – Waffles and peanut butter
If you could swap lives with someone for a day, who? – LeBron James
What’s a family tradition from your childhood? – For Christmas season, my family and I would open gifts on Christmas Eve. Being from a Mexican-American household, we’d celebrate on Christmas Eve.
What’s one helpful piece of advice you have for students? Don’t be afraid to seek help from your advisors and instructors; these individuals can provide you with resources and connect you to internships and job opportunities.