Cross Platform Discussion App – Midpoint checkin

After a month working on our app, Bridge, we finally have 5 screens with general layout, which are login screen, home screen displaying prompts, prompt detail screen, comments screen, and profile screen.

The following we did in this month:

1) We successfully connected to the Firebase realtime database and set it up, so we are able to read from and write to the database.

2) The login screen is fully functional now. Users can create account and use their account to login the app.

3) Our home screen could show up five random prompts and refresh every 24 hours.

4) The prompt detail screen will allow user to view all the comments and upvote/downvote the comments as they like.

5) Our profile screen will allow user to add attribute and see all their activities/comments for “today” when they use the app.

What we are planning to work on after our Midpoint:

1) Improve the UI for most our screens

2) Allow users to edit and delete their comments.

3) Cover more edge cases for login, upvote/downvote, profile attributes, etc.

It’s been a pleasure to work with my team. They are very responsive and helpful to the assigned tasks, pull request review and merge conflict. Attached some screens we are having now, and I can’t wait to share the final version of our app with the rest of the class.

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