
One of my friends recently got sucked into a game and, of course, if one person in our immediate friend group gets addicted to a game, the rest of us end up following. So I’ve unfortunately started Genshin Impact… I tired to put if off for as long as possible, but I had massive FOMO (fear of missing out) whenever I listened to my friends talk about it. I hate starting new games in the middle of classes because I get easily distracted. Why are RPGs so addicting? I’ve been trying to use it as incentive to finish my weekly goals and stay on track, but it’s become more of a detriment since I have no self-control when it comes to video games and I end up playing longer than intended. (I’m yelling at myself, on the inside! :P)

Angel requested that we have a group meeting today, and while I know our deadline is approaching quickly, actually discussing really brought it to the forefront of my mind. It’s on it’s way and it’s going to be here sooner than we know it! Plus, we have a lot more smaller things to finish up than we thought. I know we’re going to finish it, but I am a little worried that we won’t be able to do all the cool things that we planned. Such is the course of game development though, right? This is real world experience right here! But no, we have a general plan to guarantee that we at least get the more important goals completed next week so that we can still add some of the nicer ideas. I might actually need to uninstall Genshin Impact until we finish this project… I just need to tell myself that I can always catch up to my friends after I’ve completed this course. I miss when we were all in school at the same time (haha).

The one thing that I am extremely grateful for, though, is that I’ve been getting along with my project teammates. I have to admit, one of my main fears for this class was getting stuck in a group that couldn’t figure out how to work well together. So I’m really glad that we haven’t had any massive disagreements thus far. Or at least, we’ve been really good at working out our issues and finding common ground. Oops… I hope I didn’t jinx us now…

My brain’s kind of been all over the place lately, and I feel like I’m just in straight chaos mode. Here’s hoping I can use that to my advantage and channel that energy into working on the game! Thanks for hanging around to listen to me ramble.

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