Below is a list of selected publications:

Kothari, B. H., Fischer, C., Mullican, N., Lipscomb, S. T., & Jaramillo, J. (in press). Interagency collaboration among community organizations serving children and families in child welfare. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology.

Kothari, B. H., Chandler, K. D., Waugh, A., McElvaine, K., Jaramillo, J., & Lipscomb, S. (2021). Retention of child welfare caseworkers: The role of case complexity and workplace support. Children and Youth Services Review, 26, 106039.

Lipscomb, S., Chandler, K., Abshire, C., Jaramillo, J., & Kothari, B. H. (2021). Early childhood teacher’s self-efficacy and professional support predict work engagement. Early Childhood Education Journal, 1-11.

Jaramillo, J. & Kothari, B. H. (2021). Supportive caseworkers, school engagement, and posttraumatic symptoms among youth in foster care. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal.

Waid, J., Kothari, B. H., Dahlgren, J., Bank, L., & McBeath, M. (2021). Exploring mechanisms of change in a dyadic relationship intervention for siblings in foster care. Child and Family Social Work.

Kothari, B. H., Godlewski, B., Lipscomb, S. T., & Jaramillo, J. (2021). Educational resilience among youth in foster care. Psychology in the Schools, 58(5), 913-934.

Kothari, B. H., Blakeslee, J., & Miller, R. (2020). Individual and interpersonal factors associated with psychosocial functioning among adolescents in foster care: A scoping review. Children and Youth Services Review, 118, 105454.

Waid, J., Voit, R., Vanderloo, M., Tanana, M., & Kothari, B. H. (2020). Siblings and the development of externalizing behaviors during childhood and adolescence: A scoping review. Special Issue on Siblings Across the life Course. Journal of Family Social Work, 23(4), 318-337.

Reese, R., Lewis, T., & Kothari, B. H. (2020). Nature Connection Changes Throughout the Lifespan: Generation and Sex-Based Differences in EcoWellness, Adultspan, 19(2), 94-106.

Lipscomb, S. T., Miao, A., Finders, J., Hatfield, B., Kothari, B. H., & Pears, K. (2019). Identifying Social Determinants linked with Community-Level School Readiness. Prevention Science, 20(4), 468-477.

Kothari, B. H., McGee, M., Harmon-Godlewski, B., McBeath, B., Bank, L., & Lipscomb, S. (2018). A longitudinal analysis of school discipline events among youth in foster care. Children and Youth Services Review, 93, 117-125.

 McBeath, M., Godlewski, B., Waid, J., Kothari, B. H., Blakeslee, J., Webb, S., Colangelo, F. E., & Bank, L. (2018). Visualizing and describing foster care placement pathways. Journal of Public Child Welfare, 12(5), 515-539.

Waid, J., Kothari, B. H., McBeath, B., & Bank, L. (2017). Foster home integration as a temporal indicator of relational well-being. Children and Youth Services Review, 83, 137-145. /

Blakeslee, J., Kothari, B. H., McBeath, B., Sorenson, P., & Bank, L. (2017).  Network indicators of the social ecology of adolescents in relative and non-relative foster households. Children and Youth Services Review, 73, 173-181.

Kothari, B. H., McBeath, B., Sorenson, P., Bank, L., Waid, J., Webb, S. J., & Steele, J. (2017). An intervention to improve sibling relationship quality among youth in foster care: Results of a randomized clinical trial. Child Abuse and Neglect, 63, 19-29.

Kothari, B. H., McBeath, B., Sorenson, P., Waid, J., Webb, S. J., & Bank, L. (2016). Validation of a measure of foster home integration for foster youth. Journal of Research on Social Work Practice, 28(6), 751-761. doi.org10.1177/1049731516675033

Waid, J., Kothari, B. H., Bank, L., & McBeath, B. (2016). Foster care placement change: The role of family dynamics and household composition. Children and Youth Services Review, 68, 44-50.