Gender Lens Project Update: Rigamajig

It is nearing the end of this second project and so far I have learned so much about this product and myself. I have learned that the more research the better. I have many a few sources for each section of this project and I still feel like I could keep researching.

So far, I have an outline of what I am planning to talk about for each part of the paper. I start off with talking about the Rigamajig product and how its users benefit from this product. I then go into sexism in children toys and games. I think that Rigamajig does a wonderful job of making a product that is appealing to both girls and boys. It provides a creative game for kids to enjoy and experiment with.

With that said, I think that many toy companies struggle to market their products to both girls and boys. I also think that society puts down companies who try and fail. I am still researching more about sexism in children toy products.

Some struggles I faced during this product was finding problems with the Rigamajig toy. I still defend it and think the only improvements the company could make would be to market their product more. I had never heard of it before this project. I also do not have enough material written to post for the rough draft. I am going to continue writing and fill out my outline more so that I am able to post more of my rough draft later this week.


M. Simich

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