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Job/Internship of the Week
Marketing Internship
Jim Kuhlman State Farm


This internship is well suited for the Junior/Senior who could see themselves owning their own business at some point, or simply wants to round out their experience and develop high demand, cross-discipline skills like marketing, sales and communication.
We’re loosely basing the internship on the book To Sell is Human, by Daniel Pink. In his New York Times bestseller, Pink discusses how our unprecedented access to information has changed the way business is done – whether you’re a software engineer, a CPA, or a pharmaceutical sales rep, moving people, ie. sales, is a major part of what we all do. We’re all in sales now.
Throughout the internship we’ll be referencing examples in the book, as well as coaching to the three qualities Pink highlights as critical to success in moving people: Attunement, Bouyancy, and Clarity.
Ideal candidates for the internship are great with people, enjoy autonomy when figuring out how best to reach a goal, have a competitive streak, and want to be mentored in a fast-paced business environment.

For more information on how to apply, check out the posting in Beaver JobNet.


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