To view this job/internship listing, you must be a currently registered OSU student and have an existing Beaver JobNet account. If you are eligible and do not have an account, register now. Beaver JobNet is a great way to get your job or internship search started. Meet employers from a variety of organizations.

Job/Internship of the Week
Employer Relations Assistant
Career Services


Career Services seeks a Graduate Assistant or student to support a variety of employer related initiatives, including:

Career Fair planning and marketing and Event Coordination
GA will assist in coordinating and marketing quarterly Career Fairs to both students and employers
He/She will also help plan and attend other employer related events, such as Employer Advisory Committee Meetings

Communication and Marketing
GA will assist with communication efforts, such as an online employer newsletter, employer section of the Career Services website, social media efforts, and marketing for employer related events.
Duties will also include correspondence with employers regarding on campus recruiting and getting involved with OSU students and alumni

Program Improvement
GA will assist in evaluating company recruitment and programs, including Beaver JobNet (online career management system) and outreach to campus departments
Other duties as assigned, including participating in weekly staff and departmental meetings

For more information on how to apply, check out the posting in Beaver JobNet.

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