Our Winter Career Fairs start tomorrow on February 22nd and 23rd and it’s important to know who is coming.  Researching companies in advance might seem like overkill, but in reality it could mean you landing your perfect job or internship. Employers that attend Career Fairs end up telling students what their company description and mission statement are hundreds of times during the day. Knowing stats beforehand will help you make the most of your valuable time and could make a lasting impression on an employer, which could land you an interview.

Our website http://oregonstate.edu/career/ and Beaver JobNet are great places to start when researching Career Fair companies. The list of attending companies that we provide includes their industry, website, interested majors, position types and green employer status. You can even find what table the companies will be located to make the best out of your time. Knowing what qualities you are looking for in a companies and which positions you are interested in will help you narrow down the employers you need to visit.

Some of the 137 companies attending the Winter Career Fair are:

Columbia Sportswear, first established as Columbia Hat Company, originated in Portland, Oregon in 1938 and is still headquartered there today. They are a company that is passionate about their outdoor inspired and tested clothing. At the Career Fair they are looking to fill internship and full-time positions with a wide variety of majors.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation holds many desirable jobs, from special agents, to linguists, and professional hostage team members, to professional staff. While these jobs are very competitive, the FBI has many great internships that can eventually lead into one of the previously mention positions. For the Career Fair they are specifically looking for applicants from all majors to fill permanent full-time positions.

Georgia Pacific is one of the biggest producers and manufacturers of paper and building products in the world. Their company prides themselves in finding new innovative ways to manufacture their products. They are looking for a variety of Engineers to fill internships and full-time jobs at the Career Fair.

HP was founded by two students from Stanford University in 1938. One of their first clients was Walt Disney Studios, which is living proof of their desire to produce innovative technologies. They are looking for business students, engineers, and computer science students to fill some internship, full-time and co-op positions.

Peace Corps is a green employer, which looks to serve developing countries by sending volunteers to live and work in their communities. While there are many applicable majors for Peace Corps, at the Career Fair they will be specifically looking for students from the college of forestry, education, and agricultural sciences to fill full-time positions.

State Farm Insurance originated in 1922, in Illinois, with the idea of creating an honest insurance agency to fit individual needs. State Farm is looking at all majors to fill internship and full time positions at the Career Fair.

Research companies so you will know which ones will be a good fit for you, and look up some company information to make a great impression. So pull out your suits and skirts, iron those shirts, and put your information to good use at the Career Fair! Good luck to all

Day 1:

“May the Force be with you.”

Only ONE day until the University Wide Career Fair!  You’ve worked hard to prepare for this great opportunity; now it’s your time to shine!  Oh, and don’t forget to follow up with those employers who piqued your interest…

  • Grab their business card at the career fair so you have their contact information
  • Send an e‐mail or hand‐written letter thanking them for their time and including a copy of your resume
  • We hear from employers that many students do not do this, so it’s a great way to stand out.