A few times during the term we will highlight OSU alum who have been successful in the job search process and share their experience with you! They offer great tips and strategies that maybe you could implement as well.

Name: Loni Hartman

Major: English

Company: Consolidated Graphics/Bridgetown Printing

Position: Leadership Development Associate

How did you find out about the position?
I found my position by looking at the Career Services website before the Career Fair. I knew there were three employers I really wanted to talk to so I found them on the website, got the link to their company websites to research them, and then went into the Career Fair feeling great.

What does your job entail?
A Leadership Associate works through every part of a Consolidated Graphics Printing Company in order to understand the process before moving into a sales or management role. Currently I am learning how to estimate printing jobs in order to make sure our sales reps are competitive in getting jobs.

What advice do you have for others about the job search process?
Use your resources and ask questions. Knowing about the companies I was interested before I walked into the career fair made me feel confident when I walked through the career fair doors.

Posted by Loni Hartman, 2011 OSU Alum

Day 8:

Be aware of employer expectations…

Some employers are only collecting resumes; some may not be able to accept any resumes and may ask you to submit application materials online. Some are building/assessing an applicant pool; some are ready to fill specific vacancies.

Some will expect you to express your interest by already knowing about their organization; some will view this day as a career fair/information gathering process. Most employers will expect you will follow up if you are interested. All employers expect you to be professional, willing to initiate conversation and able to highlight your strengths.