Summer seems to be a million light years away, especially when everyone has just returned winter break.  Six months from now may seem to be a long time, but that’s barely enough time for you to do a quick search for summer internship opportunities.

Here are some approaches that you can follow to help you secure a summer internship:

1.      Networking: It is never too early or too late to network; so put on a smile and network-away. There are many benefits to networking:

  • Make connections – be actively aware of possible opportunities
  • Gain a network of support who speak in your favor
  • Recommendations are often made by people you know through networking

2.      Social Media Sites:  If you’re thinking Facebook, you’re absolutely right!  Companies do use Facebook to look for future employees. If you’re lucky, you might be hired for an internship or even a potential job! LinkedIn is also another site that can be helpful for you in finding the right internship.

3.      Research: Online resources such as those that offered by OSU Career Services may be the quickest place to look.  Beaver JobNet, for instance, allows you to search internships in and out of state and even overseas. Companies love to see that you’ve done previous research and have an understanding of their organization. This shows that you’re interested in working and thinking about future career development with them.

4.      Informational Interview: Set up an informational interview with a potential employer that you’re interested in working with. Keep in mind that informational interviewing is not where you ask the employer for a position in the company, but rather an opportunity for you to discuss what the company has to offer.

5.      Career Fair: Allows you to meet many employers from all around the country, hence broadening your possibilities of meeting the company that you possibly want to work with. Upcoming Career Fair is on February 23rd and 24th at the CH2M Alumni Center.

6.      Be Prepared: Having a Cover Letter or Resume at hand when you’re ready to apply for an internship/job is very crucial. Keep in mind that the average time to make a solid resume is at least 20hours.

Words of Advice:

o   When you form a relationship, maintain that relationship

o   Always follow up with the person you spoke with at a particular company/organization in order to maintain that contact

o   Be professional, attentive and always be on time

o   Don’t procrastinate, you’re putting your career at risk

o   Always ask for help…the most successful people are those that get help from others. You can’t succeed totally on your own!

Opportunities are endless! Be the first bird that catches the worms, all the worms. The power is in your hands, use it!

Posted by Phi Vu, Career Services Assistant