RailsConf Next Week & Why I Now Think NoSQL is Awesome

Hello everyone welcome back to my continuing escapades of my last quarter at OSU and first few month as a software engineer!

RailsConf is next week and while I am excited to spend time with my new teammates and stay in a nice hotel room and dine out for a week on the company tab, I have a feeling it’s going to be incredibly overwhelming. Many of the events at the conference will be hands-on workshops and I have a feeling I will being a little out of my element. I’m crossing my fingers for some beginner friendly events and a welcoming community (which may be a tall order in this, in my opinion, heavily over-gate-kept industry. But I am optimistic!) I will definitely report back. If anyone is reading this and has been to the conference in the past I would be curious about your experience.

In capstone project news, I’ve been diving a lot deeper into Firebase lately for some project features. NoSQL originally seemed a little weird and sloppy to me but now that I’ve used it a bit more, I cant imagine using anything else for a personal and small projects. It’s just so easy, especially with flutter/dart. Nested arbitrary JSON objects really are a great way to store data. I wish that I would have looked into a bit more before starting the capstone project and then we wouldn’t have needed our PostgreSQL API backend at all. That said, it’s a bit scary. I am very curious about what is actually going on under the hood. The amount of work that went into making it a usable as it is is incredible. SQL is still king in the industry and I wouldn’t be surprised if there ultimately was a traditional database somewhere in the many layers of abstraction that support Firebase. Everyday that I learn something new in this field/industry I am blown away by the complexity and with what experience devs are able to abstract away and still keep performant. It is exciting and hopefully I can someday contribute to some similar cutting edge project.

Anyway, my next post will be live and direct from RailsConf so stay cool until then.

Author: Lucas Moyle

I live in Bellingham WA and have been a mechanical designer/engineer since 2016. I got my first BS from Western Washington University in Applied Mathematics and graduated in 2012. I also have an AS degree in Mechanical Engineering Technology. I recently got my first offer in software engineering and accepted the position which starts April 4th.

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