
Blog #6: Typical vs Maximal Performance

  1. In this situation, I think that I would defiantly hire Jaime over Avery. The main reason being that as the boss, I value my employees who show up on time and produce consistently. Jaime clearly has very high typical performance, which without much detail on the company, is going to be useful to me regardless. Avery would defiantly be a stronger maximal performer, but in this case I would still hire Jaime. Jaimes performance is going to be primarily driven by personality, meaning that he will also get along with other employees.
  2. One job where I can see Avery outperforming Jaime, and acting as a better employee is in any innovation company. Whether It be Nike or Apple, I think they will greatly benefit from having an employee that when pushed to the limits will excel. They will want Avery because when they do get him to be motivated, he will push out very high performance, which can ultimately lead to the company’s competitive advantage. Because these jobs are more focused on individual results and creativity, rather than a contribution effort, Avery will feel pressure to perform at a higher standard.
  3. The job where I can see Jaime performing at really well, would be in a factory. He is the type of employee that you could rely on to be there day in and day out, on time, and always ready to contribute. It is these type of jobs where a consistent performer will thrive, because their boss will ask them to complete a task, they will, and so on and so on. Having typical performance in a work place like this will allow the company to meet goals more easily. Lastly, having someone that you know is reliable takes a lot of stress of managers back, because they won’t have to worry if the employee will show up that day or if they will get a report in by the deadline.

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By Brett Herb

OSU Senior Studying Management

One reply on “Blog #6: Typical vs Maximal Performance”

I like the fact that you brought up the colleague’s potential reaction to Jaime and Avery as well. We know that coworker stress can make a difference to workplace harmony. By the sound of it, Jaime would be more likely to participate in organizational citizenship behaviors as well.
Bringing Avery into a highly innovative position with some competition might be a good idea too! I hadn’t thought of that one.

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