Fall 2024: Former Faculty RA Ana Gabriel is now a Master’s student at the University of Saskatchewan. She is working on snail developmental biology, of course! Welcome to Oluwaseun Adu from Nigeria, who is joining the lab as a Master’s student, and to Javier Calvelo from Uruguay, who is joining us as a postdoc. Both will be working on the snail project.
Summer 2024: We moved back into the newly renovated Cordley Hall. Our new lab and new snail rooms are awesome.

May 2023: Charles Criscione, one of Mike’s former PhD students, receives the prestigious Ward Medal for lifetime achievement from the American Society of Parasitologists. Go Charles! https://artsci.tamu.edu/news/2023/04/texas-aandm-biologist-charles-criscione-honored-with-2023-henry-baldwin-ward-medal.html
Feb. 2022: Stephanie Bollmann was awarded the College of Science’s 2022 ‘Outstanding Faculty Research Assistant Award’. The purpose of this award is to recognize an individual each year who has chosen a career as a Faculty Research Assistant (FRA), Senior Faculty Assistant (SFRA), Research Associate (RA) and has a record of outstanding job performance and contributions. Congratulations Stephanie!

Jan. 2022: Our latest publication on the domestication of steelhead in salmon hatcheries was covered by several news outlets. This work strongly supports our hypothesis that what is under domestication selection in hatcheries is traits associated with ability to grow quickly in a novel environment, and that those trait values confer lowered offspring survival in the wild. e.g. Science Daily, KLCC Radio