The Power of Experiences by Jan Ashdown

Jan Ashdown is Principal of the Sydney, Australia office of Entro, a branding and experiential design firm. She has held key roles with large firms where she is responsible for “design management of complex design projects for leading Australian companies such as Westpac, ASIC, Investa, Wesley Mission…” to name a few. 

Ashdown discusses the world’s recent economic experience, specifically about the Samsung flagship building in New York City, and the experiences they offer to their customers. She brings up the physical environments in a digital era, how online and offline experiences can happen, and how there can be a mix of both. There are no limits in creating experiences for people. What makes a “real world” experience is the stimulation of all five senses. The segment in this article called Using Urban Structures to Create Experiences states, “The raubdruckerin project, according to their website, ‘is an experimental printmaking project that uses urban structures like manhole covers, grids, technical objects, and other surfaces of the urban landscape, to create unique graphical patterns on streetwear basics, fabrics, and paper.’” Ashdown talks about an art installation in Sydney during the Chinese New Year, where they installed 12 signs of the Chinese zodiac art with lanterns displayed across the city. The structure was created as an incentive for the people in Sydney to join the festivities and interact with different artwork. In the next segment, Ashdown talks about how translating brands into an office environment has its perks, with Google as the primary focus.

Ashdown, Jan. “The Power of Experiences | SEGD.” SEGD, 17 July 2018,

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