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2020-Present || 2010-2019 || 2000-2009 || 1990-1999 || 1980-1989 || 1970-1979

2020 – Present

  1. Evans, N., Floback, A.E., Gaffney, J., Chace, P.J., Luna, Z., Knoery, J.A., Reimers, C.E., and Moffet, J.W. (2024) The role of seasonal hypoxia and benthic boundary layer exchange on margin-derived iron cycling. Limnol. Oceanogr., 69, 742-756.
  2. Palter, J.B., Cross, J., Long, M.C., Rafter, P.A., and Reimers, C.E. (2023) The science we need to assess marine carbon dioxide removal. EOS. 104.
  3. Li, C., Reimers, C.E., and Chace, P.J. (2022) Protocol for using autoclaved intertidal sediment as a medium to enrich cable bacteria. STAR Protocols 3, 101604.
  4. Reimers, C.E., Wolf, M., Alleau, Y., and Li, C. (2022) Benthic microbial fuel cell systems for marine applications. Journal of Power Sources. 522, 231033.
  5. Berg, P., Huettel, M., Glud, R.N., Reimers, C.E. and Attard, K. (2022) Aquatic Eddy Covariance: The Method and Its Contributions to Defining Oxygen and Carbon Fluxes in Marine Environments. Annu. Rev. Mar. Sci. 2022. 14, 19.1–19.25.
  6. Reimers, C.E. and Fogaren, K.E. (2021) Bottom boundary layer oxygen fluxes during winter on the Oregon shelf. J. Geophysical. Res.: Oceans, 126, e2020JC016828.
  7. Reimers, C.E., Sanders, R.D., Dewey, R. and Noel, R. (2020) Benthic fluxes of oxygen and heat from a seasonally hypoxic region of Saanich Inlet fjord observed by eddy covariance. Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci., 243, 106815.
  8. Li, C., Reimers, C.E. and Alleau, Y. (2020) Inducing the attachment of cable bacteria on oxidizing electrodes. Biogeosciences, 17, 597-607.

2010 – 2019

  1. Steiner, Z., Lazar, B., Reimers, C. and Erez, J. (2019) CaCO3 dissolution in hemipelagic sediments overlaid by supersaturated bottom-waters in the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea. Cosmochim. Acta, 246, 565-580.
  2. Reimers, C.E., and Wolf, M. (2018) Power from benthic microbial fuel cells drives autonomous sensors and acoustic modems. Oceanography 31(1), 98-103.
  3. Reimers, C.E., Li, C., Graw, M.F., Schrader, P.S., and Wolf, M. (2017) The identification of cable bacteria attached to the anode of a benthic microbial fuel cell: evidence of long distance extracellular electron transport to electrodes. Frontiers Microbiol. 8, 2055 DOI 10.3389/fmicb.2017.02055
  4. Reimers, C.E., Özkan-Haller, H.T., Sanders, R.D., McCann-Grosvenor, K., Chace, P.J., Crowe, S.A. (2016) The dynamics of benthic respiration at a mid-shelf station off Oregon. Aquat. Geochem. DOI 10.1007/s10498-016-9303-5.
  5. Schrader, P.S, Reimers, C.E., Girguis, P., Delaney, J., Doolan, C., Wolf, M., and Green, D. (2016) Independent benthic microbial fuel cells powering sensors and acoustic communications with the MARS underwater observatory. J. Atm. Ocean. Tech. 33, 607-617.
  6. Reimers, C.E., Özkan-Haller, H. T., Albright, A., and Berg, P. (2016) Microelectrode velocity effects and aquatic eddy covariance measurements under waves. J. Atm. Ocean. Tech. 33, 263-282.
  7. Berg, P., Reimers, C.E., Rosman, J.H., Huettel, M., Delgard, M.L., Reidenbach, M.A. and Özkan-Haller, H.T. (2015) Technical note: Time lag correction of aquatic eddy covariance data measured in the presence of waves. Biogeosciences 12, 6721-6735.
  8. Fuchsman, C.A., Devol, A.H., Chase, Z., Reimers, C.E. and Hales, B. (2015) Benthic fluxes on the Oregon shelf. Coast. Shelf Sci. 163, 156-166.
  9. Abbott, A.N., Haley, B.A., McManus, J.E., and Reimers, C.E. (2015) The sedimentary flux of dissolved rare earth elements to the ocean. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 154, 186-200.
  10. Reimers, C.E. (2015) Applications of bioelectrochemical energy harvesting in the marine environment. Chapter in: Electrochemically active biofilms in microbial fuel cells and bioelectrochemical systems: From laboratory practice to data interpretation. Edited by H. Beyenal and J.T. Babauta, Elsevier, pp. 345-366.
  11. McCann-Grosvenor, K., Reimers, C.E., and Sanders, R.D. (2014) Dynamics of the benthic boundary layer and seafloor contributions to oxygen depletion on the Oregon inner shelf. Cont. Shelf Res. 84, 93-106.
  12. Erhardt, A.M., Reimers, C.E., Kadko, D., and Paytan, A. (2014) Records of trace metals in sediments from the Oregon shelf and slope: Investigating the occurrence of hypoxia over the past several thousand years. Chem. Geol. 382, 32-43.
  13. Reimers, C.E., Alleau, Y., Bauer, J.E., Delaney, J., Girguis, P.R., Schrader, P.S., and Stecher, H.A., III. (2013) Redox effects on the microbial degradation of refractory organic matter in marine sediments. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 121, 582-598.
  14. Berelson, W.M., McManus, J., Severmann, S., and Reimers, C.E. (2013) Benthic flux of oxygen and nutrients across Oregon/California shelf sediments. Cont. Shelf Res. 55, 66-75.
  15. Reimers, C.E., Özkan-Haller, H.T., Berg, P., Devol, A., McCann-Grosvenor, K., and Sanders, R.D. (2012) Benthic oxygen consumption rates during hypoxic conditions on the Oregon Continental Shelf: Evaluation of the eddy correlation method. J. Geophys. Res. Oceans 117, C02021, doi:10.1029/2011JC007564.
  16. Gong, Y., Radachowsky, S., Wolf, M., Nielsen, M., Girguis, P., and Reimers, C.E. (2011) Benthic microbial fuel cell as direct power source for an acoustic modem and seawater oxygen/temperature sensor system. Env. Sci. & Technol. 45, 5047-5053.
  17. Girguis, P.R., Nielsen, M.E., Reimers, C.E. (2010) Fundamentals of benthic microbial fuel cells: theory, development and application. In Bioelectrochemical Systems: From Extracellular Electron Transfer to Biotechnological Application. Edited by Rabaey, K, Angenent, L.T., Schröder, U., Keller, J.: IWA Publishing; pp. 327 – 346.


  1. Nielsen, M.E., Wu, D., Girguis, P., and Reimers, C.E. (2009) Influence of substrate on electron transfer mechanisms in chambered microbial fuel cells. Env. Sci. & Technol. 43, 8671-8677.
  2. Reimers, C.E., Taghon, G.L., Fuller, C.M., and Boehme, S.E. (2009) Seasonal patterns in permeable sediment and water column biogeochemical properties on the inner shelf of the Middle Atlantic Bight.  Deep-Sea Research II 56, 1865-1881.  10.1016/j.dsr2.2009.05.027
  3. White, H.K., Reimers, C.E., Cordes, E.E., Dilly, G.F., and Girguis, P.R. (2009). Quantitative population dynamics of microbial communities in plankton-fed microbial fuel cells. ISME Journal 3, 635-646.
  4. Nielsen, M.E., Reimers, C.E., White, H.K., Sharma, S., and Girguis, P.R. (2008) Sustainable energy from deep ocean cold seeps. Energy and Environmental Science 1, 584-593.
  5. Nelson, J.D., Boehme, S.E., Reimers, C.E., Sherrell, R.M., and Kerkhof, L.J. (2008) Temporal patterns of microbial community structure in the Mid-Atlantic Bight. FEMS Microbial Ecol. DOI:10.1111.
  6. Nielsen, M.E., Reimers, C.E., and Stecher, H.A., III (2007) Enhanced power from chambered benthic microbial fuel cells. Env. Sci. & Technol. 41, 7895-7900.
  7. Reimers, C.E., Stecher, H.A., III, Westall, J.C., Alleau, Y., Howell, K.A., Soule, L., White, H.K., and Girguis, P.R. (2007) Substrate degradation kinetics, microbial diversity, and current efficiency of microbial fuel cells supplied with marine plankton. Appl. Env. Microbiology 73, 7029-7040.
  8. Reimers, C.E. (2007) Applications of microelectrodes to problems in chemical oceanography. Chemical Reviews 107, 590-600.
  9. Reimers, C.E., Girguis, P., Stecher, H.A., III, Ryckelynck, N., Tender, L.M., and Whaling, P. (2006) Microbial fuel cell energy from an ocean cold seep. Geobiology 4, 123-136.
  10. Rusch, A., Huettel, M., Wild, C., and Reimers, C.E. (2006) Benthic oxygen consumption and organic matter turnover in organic-poor, permeable shelf sands. Aquatic Geochemistry 12, 1-19.
  11. Ryckelynck, N., Stecher, H.A., III, and Reimers, C.E. (2005) Understanding the anodic mechanism of a seafloor fuel cell: interactions between geochemistry and microbial activity. Biogeochemistry 76, 113-139.
  12. Komada, T., Reimers, C.E., Luther, G.W., III., and Burdige, D.J. (2004) Factors affecting dissolved organic matter dynamics in mixed redox to anoxic coastal sediments. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 68, 4099-4111.
  13. Holmes, D. E., Bond, D.R., O’Neil, R.A., Reimers, C.E., Tender, L.M., and Lovley, D.R. (2004). Microbial communities associated with electrodes harvesting electricity from a variety of aquatic sediments. Microbial Ecology 48, 178-190.
  14. Reimers, C.E., Stecher, H.A., III, Taghon, G.L., Fuller, C.M., Huettel, M., Rusch, A., Ryckelynck, N., and Wild, C. (2004) In situ measurements of advective solute transport in permeable shelf sands. Shelf. Res. 24, 183-201.
  15. Rusch, A., Huettel., M., Reimers, C.E., Taghon, G.L., and Fuller, C.M. (2003) Activity and distribution of bacterial populations in Middle Atlantic Bight shelf sands. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 44, 89-100.
  16. Tender, L.M.*, Reimers, C.E.*, Stecher, H.A., III, Holmes, D.E., Bond, D.R., Lovley, D.R., Lowry, D.A., Pilobello, K., and Fertig, S. (2002) Harnessing microbially generated power on the seafloor. Nature Biotechnology 20, 821-825. *corresponding authors.
  17. Komada, T., Schofield, O.M.E., and Reimers, C.E. (2002) Fluorescence characteristics of organic matter released from coastal sediments during resuspension. Mar. Chem. 79, 81-97.
  18. Komada, T., and Reimers, C.E. (2001) Resuspension-induced partitioning of organic carbon between solid and solution phases in sediments from a river-ocean transition. Mar. Chem. 76, 155-174.
  19. Reimers, C.E., Tender, L.M., Fertig, S., and Wang, W. (2001) Harvesting energy from the marine sediment-water interface. Env. Sci. & Technol. 35, 192-195.
  20. Reimers, C.E. (2001) Petrographic clues to processes leading to high organic carbon concentrations in the Naples Beach section of the Monterey Formation. In: “The Monterey Formation: From Rocks to Molecules” edited by C. Isaacs and J. Rullkotter, Columbia University Press, pp. 59-76.
  21. Reimers, C.E., Jahnke, R.A., and Thomsen, L. (2001) In situ sampling in the benthic boundary layer. Chapter in “The Benthic Boundary Layer: Transport Processes and Biogeochemistry” B.P. Boudreau and B.B. Jørgensen (editors), Oxford University Press, pp. 245-268.
  22. Cai, W.-J., and Reimers, C.E. (2000) Sensors for in situ pH and pCO2 measurements in seawater and at the sediment-water interface. In: In Situ Monitoring of Aquatic Systems: Chemical Analysis and Speciation, J. Buffle and G. Horvai (Eds.) IUPAC Series on Analytical and Physical Chemistry of Environmental Systems Vol. 6, J. Wiley & Sons, pp.75-120.
  23. Reimers, C.E., and Glud, R. N. (2000) In situ chemical sensor measurements at the sediment-water interface. Chapter in: “Chemical Sensors in Oceanography” M. Varney (editor), Gordon and Breach Publishing, pp.249-282.


  1. Luther, G.W., Reimers, C.E., Nuzzio, D.B., and Lovalvo, D. (1999) IN SITU deployment of voltammetric, potentiometric and amperometric microelectrodes from a ROV to determine dissolved O2, Mn, Fe, S(-2)and pH in porewaters. Environ. Sci. and Technol. 33, 4352-4356.
  2. Komada, T., Reimers, C.E., and Boehme, S.E. (1998) Dissolved inorganic carbon profiles and fluxes determined using pH and pCO2 microelectrodes. Limnol. Oceanogr. 43, 769-781.
  3. Boehme, S.E., Sabine, C.L., and Reimers, C.E. (1998) CO2 fluxes from a coastal transect: a time-series approach. Marine Chemistry 63, 49-67.
  4. Smith, K.L., Jr., Glatts, R.C., Baldwin, R.J., Uhlman, A.H., Horn, R.C., Beaulieu, S.E., and Reimers, C.E. (1997) An autonomous, bottom-transecting vehicle for making long time-series measurements of sediment community oxygen consumption to abyssal depths. Oceanogr. 42, 1601-1612
  5. Jahnke, R.A., Craven, D., McCorkle, D., and Reimers, C.E. (1997) Calcium carbonate dissolution in California continental margin sediments: the influence of organic matter mineralization. Cosmochim. Acta 61, 3587-3604.
  6. Klump, J.V., Paddock, R., Lovalvo, D., Doroodchi, M., Reimers, C., Waples, J., MacKenzie, R., Wroczynski, S., and Vande Slundt, D. (1997) Real-time studies of benthic-pelagic interactions using BESS: an ROV driven benthic shuttle system. Marine Tech. Soc. Journal 31, 21-33.
  7. Reimers, C.E., Ruttenberg, K.C., Canfield, D.E., Christiansen, M.B. and Martin, J.B. (1996) Pore water pH and authigenic phases formed in the uppermost sediments of the Santa Barbara Basin. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 60, 4037-4057.
  8. Whalen, S.C., Reeburgh, W.S., and Reimers, C.E. (1996)  Control of tundra methane emission by microbial oxidation.  In: JF Reynolds and JD Tenhunen (eds), Landscape Function:  Implications for Ecosystem Response to Disturbance, A Case Study in Arctic Tundra.  Springer‑Verlag, NY, pp. 257‑274.
  9. Tengberg, A., De Bovee, F., Hall, P., Berelson, W., Chadwick, B., Ciceri, G., Crassous, P., Devol, A., Emerson, S., Gage, J., Glud, R., Graziottin, F., Gundersen, J., Hammond, D., Helder, W., Hinga, K., Holby, O., Jahnke,. R., Khripounoff, A., Lieberman, S., Nuppenau, V., Pfannkuche, O., Reimers, C., Rowe, G. Sahami, A., Sayles, F., Schurter, M., Smallman, D., Wehrli, B., and De Wilde, P. (1996) Benthic chamber and profile landers in oceanography- a review of design, technical solutions and functioning. Progress in Oceanography 35, 253-294.
  10. Bauer, J. E., Reimers, C.E., Druffel, E.R.M., and Williams, P.M. (1995) Constraining the exchange of dissolved organic and inorganic carbon between deep ocean sediments and seawater using natural 14C and 13 Nature 373, 686-689.
  11. Cai, W.-J., Reimers, C.E., and Shaw, T. (1995) Microelectrode studies of organic carbon degradation and calcite dissolution at a California continental rise site. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 59, 497-510.
  12. Cai, W.-J., and Reimers, C.E. (1995) Benthic oxygen flux, bottom water oxygen concentration and core top organic carbon content in the deep Northeast Pacific Ocean. Deep-Sea Res. 42, 1681-1699.
  13. Cai, W.-J., and Reimers, C.E. (1993) The development of pH and pCO2 microelectrodes for studying the carbonate chemistry of pore waters near the sediment-water interface. Oceanogr. 38, 1776-1787.
  14. Reimers, C.E., Jahnke, R.A., and McCorkle, D. (1992) Carbon fluxes and burial rates over the continental slope and rise off central California with implications for the global carbon cycle. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 6, 199-224.
  15. Schmidt, H., and Reimers, C.E. (1991) The recent history of trace metal accumulation in the Santa Barbara Basin, Southern California Borderland. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Sci. 33, 485-500.
  16. Bernhard, J.M., and Reimers, C.E. (1991) Benthic forminiferal population fluctuations related to anoxia: Santa Barbara Basin. Geomicrobiol. Journal 15, 127-149.
  17. Reimers, C.E., Lange, C.B., Tabak, M., and Bernhard, J.M. (1990) Seasonal spillover and varve formation in the Santa Barbara Basin, California. Oceanog. 35, 1577-1585.
  18. Jahnke, R.A., Reimers, C.E., and Craven, D.B. (1990) Intensification of recycling of organic matter at the sea floor near ocean margins. Nature 348, 50-54.
  19. Garrison, R.E., Kastner, M., and Reimers, C.E. (1990) Miocene phosphogenesis in California. In: Burnett, W.C. and Riggs, S.R. (eds.), Phosphate Deposits of the World, Vol. III: Neogene to Modern Phosphorites. Cambridge University Press, pp. 285-299.
  20. Reimers, C.E., Kastner, M., and Garrison, R.E. (1990) The role of bacterial mats in phosphate mineralization with particular reference to the Monterey Formation. In: Burnett, W.C., and Riggs, S.R. (eds.), Phosphate Deposits of the World, Vol. III: Neogene to Modern Phosphorites. Cambridge University Press, pp. 300-311.
  21. Kastner, M., Garrison, R.E., Kolodny, Y., Reimers, C.E., and Shemesh, A. (1990) Coupled changes of oxygen isotopes in PO4-3 and CO3-2 in apatite, with emphasis on the Monterey Formation, California. In: Burnett, W.C. and Riggs, S.R. (eds.), Phosphate Deposits of the World, Vol. III: Neogene to Modern Phosphorites. Cambridge University Press, pp. 312-324.
  22. Heggie, D.T., Skyring, G.W., O’Brien, G.W., Reimers, C.E., Herczeg, A., and Moriarty, D.J.W. (1990) Organic carbon cycling and modern phosphorite formation on the East Australian continental margin: an overview. In: Notholt, A.J.G. and Jarvis, I. (eds.) Phosphorite Research and Development. Geol. Soc. London Special Publ. No. 52, pp. 87-117.


  1. Archer, D., Emerson, S.R., and Reimers, C.E. (1989) Dissolution of calcite in deep-sea sediments: pH and O2 microelectrode results. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 53, 2831-2847.
  2. Jahnke, R.A., Emerson, S.R., Reimers, C.E., Schuffert, J., Ruttenberg, K., and Archer, D. (1989) Benthic recycling of biogenic debris in the eastern tropical Atlantic Ocean. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 53, 2947-2960.
  3. Reimers, C.E., and Wakefield, W.W. (1989) Flocculation of siliceous detritus on the sea floor of a deep Pacific seamount. Deep-Sea Res. 36, 1841-1861.
  4. Reimers, C.E. (1989) Control of benthic fluxes by particulate supply. In: Berger, W.H., Smetacek, V.S. and Wefer, G. (eds.) Productivity of the Ocean: Present and Past. Dahlem Konferenzen, Chichester, John Wiley and Sons, pp. 217-233.
  5. Jumars, P.A., Altenbach, A.V., De Lange, G.J., Emerson, S.R., Hargrave, B.T., Muller, P.J., Prahl, F.G., Reimers, C.E., Steiger, T., and Suess, E. (1989) Transformation of seafloor-arriving fluxes into the sedimentary record. In: Berger, W.H., Smetacek, V.S., and Wefer, G. (eds.) Productivity of the Ocean:Present and Past. Dahlem Konferenzen, Chichester, John Wiley and Sons, pp. 291-311.
  6. Kuivila, K.M., Murray, J.W., Devol, A.H., Lidstrom, M.E., and Reimers, C.E. (1988) Methane cycling in the sediments of Lake Washington. Limnol. Oceanogr. 33, 571-581.
  7. Reimers, C.E. (1987) An in situ microprofiling instrument for measuring interfacial pore water gradients: methods and oxygen profiles from the North Pacific Ocean. Deep-Sea Res. 34, 2019-2035.
  8. Reimers, C.E., Fischer, K.M., Merewether, R., Smith, K.L., Jr., and Jahnke, R.A. (1986) Oxygen microprofiles measured in situ in deep ocean sediments. Nature 320, 741-744.
  9. Reimers, C.E., and Smith, K.L., Jr. (1986) Reconciling measured and predicted fluxes of oxygen across the deep sea sediment-water interface. Limnol. Oceanogr. 31, 305-318.
  10. Emerson, S., Fischer, K., Reimers, C., and Heggie, D. (1985) Organic carbon dynamics and preservation in deep-sea sediments. Deep-Sea Res. 32, 1-21.
  11. Reimers, C.E., Kalhorn, S., Emerson, S.R., and Nealson, K.H. (1984) Oxygen consumption rates in pelagic sediments from the central Pacific: First estimates from microelectrode profiles. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 48, 903-910.
  12. Williams, L.A., and Reimers, C.E. (1983) The role of bacterial mats in oxygen deficient marine basins and coastal upwelling regimes: A preliminary report. Geology 11, 267-269.
  13. Reimers, C.E., and Suess, E. (1983) Spatial and temporal patterns of organic matter accumulation on the Peru continental margin. In: Coastal Upwelling Its Sediment Record, Part B. Sedimentary Records of Ancient Coastal Upwelling. Thiede, J. and Suess, E. (eds.), Plenum Press, 311-346.
  14. Reimers, C.E., and Suess, E. (1983) Late Quaternary fluctuations in the cycling of organic matter off central Peru: A proto-kerogen record. In: Coastal Upwelling Its Sediment Record, Part A. Responses of the Sedimentary Regime to Present Coastal Upwelling. Suess, E., and Thiede, J. (eds.), Plenum Press, 497-526.
  15. Reimers, C.E., and Suess, E. (1983) The partitioning of organic carbon fluxes and sedimentary organic matter decomposition rates in the oceans.  Chem. 13, 141-168.
  16. Reimers, C.E. (1982) Organic matter in anoxic sediments off central Peru: Relations of porosity, microbial decomposition, and deformation properties. Mar. Geol. 46, 175-197.
  17. Suess, E., Müller, P.J., Powell, H.S., and Reimers, C.E. (1980) A closer look at nitrification in pelagic sediments. Geochem. Jour. 14, 129-137.

1970 – 1979

  1. Reimers, C.E., and Komar, P.D. (1979) Evidence for explosive volcanic density currents on certain Martian volcanoes. Icarus 39, 88-110.
  2. Komar, P.D., and Reimers, C.E. (1978) Grain shape effects on settling rates. Jour. Geology 86, 193-209.