2020 – Present
- Evans, N., Floback, A.E., Gaffney, J., Chace, P.J., Luna, Z., Knoery, J.A., Reimers, C.E., and Moffet, J.W. (2024) The role of seasonal hypoxia and benthic boundary layer exchange on margin-derived iron cycling. Limnol. Oceanogr., 69, 742-756.
- Palter, J.B., Cross, J., Long, M.C., Rafter, P.A., and Reimers, C.E. (2023) The science we need to assess marine carbon dioxide removal. EOS. 104.
- Li, C., Reimers, C.E., and Chace, P.J. (2022) Protocol for using autoclaved intertidal sediment as a medium to enrich cable bacteria. STAR Protocols 3, 101604. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.xpro.2022.10164.
- Reimers, C.E., Wolf, M., Alleau, Y., and Li, C. (2022) Benthic microbial fuel cell systems for marine applications. Journal of Power Sources. 522, 231033.
- Berg, P., Huettel, M., Glud, R.N., Reimers, C.E. and Attard, K. (2022) Aquatic Eddy Covariance: The Method and Its Contributions to Defining Oxygen and Carbon Fluxes in Marine Environments. Annu. Rev. Mar. Sci. 2022. 14, 19.1–19.25.
- Reimers, C.E. and Fogaren, K.E. (2021) Bottom boundary layer oxygen fluxes during winter on the Oregon shelf. J. Geophysical. Res.: Oceans, 126, e2020JC016828.
- Reimers, C.E., Sanders, R.D., Dewey, R. and Noel, R. (2020) Benthic fluxes of oxygen and heat from a seasonally hypoxic region of Saanich Inlet fjord observed by eddy covariance. Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci., 243, 106815.
- Li, C., Reimers, C.E. and Alleau, Y. (2020) Inducing the attachment of cable bacteria on oxidizing electrodes. Biogeosciences, 17, 597-607.
2010 – 2019
- Steiner, Z., Lazar, B., Reimers, C. and Erez, J. (2019) CaCO3 dissolution in hemipelagic sediments overlaid by supersaturated bottom-waters in the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea. Cosmochim. Acta, 246, 565-580.
- Reimers, C.E., and Wolf, M. (2018) Power from benthic microbial fuel cells drives autonomous sensors and acoustic modems. Oceanography 31(1), 98-103.
- Reimers, C.E., Li, C., Graw, M.F., Schrader, P.S., and Wolf, M. (2017) The identification of cable bacteria attached to the anode of a benthic microbial fuel cell: evidence of long distance extracellular electron transport to electrodes. Frontiers Microbiol. 8, 2055 DOI 10.3389/fmicb.2017.02055
- Reimers, C.E., Özkan-Haller, H.T., Sanders, R.D., McCann-Grosvenor, K., Chace, P.J., Crowe, S.A. (2016) The dynamics of benthic respiration at a mid-shelf station off Oregon. Aquat. Geochem. DOI 10.1007/s10498-016-9303-5.
- Schrader, P.S, Reimers, C.E., Girguis, P., Delaney, J., Doolan, C., Wolf, M., and Green, D. (2016) Independent benthic microbial fuel cells powering sensors and acoustic communications with the MARS underwater observatory. J. Atm. Ocean. Tech. 33, 607-617.
- Reimers, C.E., Özkan-Haller, H. T., Albright, A., and Berg, P. (2016) Microelectrode velocity effects and aquatic eddy covariance measurements under waves. J. Atm. Ocean. Tech. 33, 263-282.
- Berg, P., Reimers, C.E., Rosman, J.H., Huettel, M., Delgard, M.L., Reidenbach, M.A. and Özkan-Haller, H.T. (2015) Technical note: Time lag correction of aquatic eddy covariance data measured in the presence of waves. Biogeosciences 12, 6721-6735.
- Fuchsman, C.A., Devol, A.H., Chase, Z., Reimers, C.E. and Hales, B. (2015) Benthic fluxes on the Oregon shelf. Coast. Shelf Sci. 163, 156-166.
- Abbott, A.N., Haley, B.A., McManus, J.E., and Reimers, C.E. (2015) The sedimentary flux of dissolved rare earth elements to the ocean. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 154, 186-200.
- Reimers, C.E. (2015) Applications of bioelectrochemical energy harvesting in the marine environment. Chapter in: Electrochemically active biofilms in microbial fuel cells and bioelectrochemical systems: From laboratory practice to data interpretation. Edited by H. Beyenal and J.T. Babauta, Elsevier, pp. 345-366.
- McCann-Grosvenor, K., Reimers, C.E., and Sanders, R.D. (2014) Dynamics of the benthic boundary layer and seafloor contributions to oxygen depletion on the Oregon inner shelf. Cont. Shelf Res. 84, 93-106.
- Erhardt, A.M., Reimers, C.E., Kadko, D., and Paytan, A. (2014) Records of trace metals in sediments from the Oregon shelf and slope: Investigating the occurrence of hypoxia over the past several thousand years. Chem. Geol. 382, 32-43.
- Reimers, C.E., Alleau, Y., Bauer, J.E., Delaney, J., Girguis, P.R., Schrader, P.S., and Stecher, H.A., III. (2013) Redox effects on the microbial degradation of refractory organic matter in marine sediments. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 121, 582-598.
- Berelson, W.M., McManus, J., Severmann, S., and Reimers, C.E. (2013) Benthic flux of oxygen and nutrients across Oregon/California shelf sediments. Cont. Shelf Res. 55, 66-75.
- Reimers, C.E., Özkan-Haller, H.T., Berg, P., Devol, A., McCann-Grosvenor, K., and Sanders, R.D. (2012) Benthic oxygen consumption rates during hypoxic conditions on the Oregon Continental Shelf: Evaluation of the eddy correlation method. J. Geophys. Res. Oceans 117, C02021, doi:10.1029/2011JC007564.
- Gong, Y., Radachowsky, S., Wolf, M., Nielsen, M., Girguis, P., and Reimers, C.E. (2011) Benthic microbial fuel cell as direct power source for an acoustic modem and seawater oxygen/temperature sensor system. Env. Sci. & Technol. 45, 5047-5053.
- Girguis, P.R., Nielsen, M.E., Reimers, C.E. (2010) Fundamentals of benthic microbial fuel cells: theory, development and application. In Bioelectrochemical Systems: From Extracellular Electron Transfer to Biotechnological Application. Edited by Rabaey, K, Angenent, L.T., Schröder, U., Keller, J.: IWA Publishing; pp. 327 – 346.
- Nielsen, M.E., Wu, D., Girguis, P., and Reimers, C.E. (2009) Influence of substrate on electron transfer mechanisms in chambered microbial fuel cells. Env. Sci. & Technol. 43, 8671-8677.
- Reimers, C.E., Taghon, G.L., Fuller, C.M., and Boehme, S.E. (2009) Seasonal patterns in permeable sediment and water column biogeochemical properties on the inner shelf of the Middle Atlantic Bight. Deep-Sea Research II 56, 1865-1881. 10.1016/j.dsr2.2009.05.027
- White, H.K., Reimers, C.E., Cordes, E.E., Dilly, G.F., and Girguis, P.R. (2009). Quantitative population dynamics of microbial communities in plankton-fed microbial fuel cells. ISME Journal 3, 635-646.
- Nielsen, M.E., Reimers, C.E., White, H.K., Sharma, S., and Girguis, P.R. (2008) Sustainable energy from deep ocean cold seeps. Energy and Environmental Science 1, 584-593.
- Nelson, J.D., Boehme, S.E., Reimers, C.E., Sherrell, R.M., and Kerkhof, L.J. (2008) Temporal patterns of microbial community structure in the Mid-Atlantic Bight. FEMS Microbial Ecol. DOI:10.1111.
- Nielsen, M.E., Reimers, C.E., and Stecher, H.A., III (2007) Enhanced power from chambered benthic microbial fuel cells. Env. Sci. & Technol. 41, 7895-7900.
- Reimers, C.E., Stecher, H.A., III, Westall, J.C., Alleau, Y., Howell, K.A., Soule, L., White, H.K., and Girguis, P.R. (2007) Substrate degradation kinetics, microbial diversity, and current efficiency of microbial fuel cells supplied with marine plankton. Appl. Env. Microbiology 73, 7029-7040.
- Reimers, C.E. (2007) Applications of microelectrodes to problems in chemical oceanography. Chemical Reviews 107, 590-600.
- Reimers, C.E., Girguis, P., Stecher, H.A., III, Ryckelynck, N., Tender, L.M., and Whaling, P. (2006) Microbial fuel cell energy from an ocean cold seep. Geobiology 4, 123-136.
- Rusch, A., Huettel, M., Wild, C., and Reimers, C.E. (2006) Benthic oxygen consumption and organic matter turnover in organic-poor, permeable shelf sands. Aquatic Geochemistry 12, 1-19.
- Ryckelynck, N., Stecher, H.A., III, and Reimers, C.E. (2005) Understanding the anodic mechanism of a seafloor fuel cell: interactions between geochemistry and microbial activity. Biogeochemistry 76, 113-139.
- Komada, T., Reimers, C.E., Luther, G.W., III., and Burdige, D.J. (2004) Factors affecting dissolved organic matter dynamics in mixed redox to anoxic coastal sediments. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 68, 4099-4111.
- Holmes, D. E., Bond, D.R., O’Neil, R.A., Reimers, C.E., Tender, L.M., and Lovley, D.R. (2004). Microbial communities associated with electrodes harvesting electricity from a variety of aquatic sediments. Microbial Ecology 48, 178-190.
- Reimers, C.E., Stecher, H.A., III, Taghon, G.L., Fuller, C.M., Huettel, M., Rusch, A., Ryckelynck, N., and Wild, C. (2004) In situ measurements of advective solute transport in permeable shelf sands. Shelf. Res. 24, 183-201.
- Rusch, A., Huettel., M., Reimers, C.E., Taghon, G.L., and Fuller, C.M. (2003) Activity and distribution of bacterial populations in Middle Atlantic Bight shelf sands. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 44, 89-100.
- Tender, L.M.*, Reimers, C.E.*, Stecher, H.A., III, Holmes, D.E., Bond, D.R., Lovley, D.R., Lowry, D.A., Pilobello, K., and Fertig, S. (2002) Harnessing microbially generated power on the seafloor. Nature Biotechnology 20, 821-825. *corresponding authors.
- Komada, T., Schofield, O.M.E., and Reimers, C.E. (2002) Fluorescence characteristics of organic matter released from coastal sediments during resuspension. Mar. Chem. 79, 81-97.
- Komada, T., and Reimers, C.E. (2001) Resuspension-induced partitioning of organic carbon between solid and solution phases in sediments from a river-ocean transition. Mar. Chem. 76, 155-174.
- Reimers, C.E., Tender, L.M., Fertig, S., and Wang, W. (2001) Harvesting energy from the marine sediment-water interface. Env. Sci. & Technol. 35, 192-195.
- Reimers, C.E. (2001) Petrographic clues to processes leading to high organic carbon concentrations in the Naples Beach section of the Monterey Formation. In: “The Monterey Formation: From Rocks to Molecules” edited by C. Isaacs and J. Rullkotter, Columbia University Press, pp. 59-76.
- Reimers, C.E., Jahnke, R.A., and Thomsen, L. (2001) In situ sampling in the benthic boundary layer. Chapter in “The Benthic Boundary Layer: Transport Processes and Biogeochemistry” B.P. Boudreau and B.B. Jørgensen (editors), Oxford University Press, pp. 245-268.
- Cai, W.-J., and Reimers, C.E. (2000) Sensors for in situ pH and pCO2 measurements in seawater and at the sediment-water interface. In: In Situ Monitoring of Aquatic Systems: Chemical Analysis and Speciation, J. Buffle and G. Horvai (Eds.) IUPAC Series on Analytical and Physical Chemistry of Environmental Systems Vol. 6, J. Wiley & Sons, pp.75-120.
- Reimers, C.E., and Glud, R. N. (2000) In situ chemical sensor measurements at the sediment-water interface. Chapter in: “Chemical Sensors in Oceanography” M. Varney (editor), Gordon and Breach Publishing, pp.249-282.
- Luther, G.W., Reimers, C.E., Nuzzio, D.B., and Lovalvo, D. (1999) IN SITU deployment of voltammetric, potentiometric and amperometric microelectrodes from a ROV to determine dissolved O2, Mn, Fe, S(-2)and pH in porewaters. Environ. Sci. and Technol. 33, 4352-4356.
- Komada, T., Reimers, C.E., and Boehme, S.E. (1998) Dissolved inorganic carbon profiles and fluxes determined using pH and pCO2 microelectrodes. Limnol. Oceanogr. 43, 769-781.
- Boehme, S.E., Sabine, C.L., and Reimers, C.E. (1998) CO2 fluxes from a coastal transect: a time-series approach. Marine Chemistry 63, 49-67.
- Smith, K.L., Jr., Glatts, R.C., Baldwin, R.J., Uhlman, A.H., Horn, R.C., Beaulieu, S.E., and Reimers, C.E. (1997) An autonomous, bottom-transecting vehicle for making long time-series measurements of sediment community oxygen consumption to abyssal depths. Oceanogr. 42, 1601-1612
- Jahnke, R.A., Craven, D., McCorkle, D., and Reimers, C.E. (1997) Calcium carbonate dissolution in California continental margin sediments: the influence of organic matter mineralization. Cosmochim. Acta 61, 3587-3604.
- Klump, J.V., Paddock, R., Lovalvo, D., Doroodchi, M., Reimers, C., Waples, J., MacKenzie, R., Wroczynski, S., and Vande Slundt, D. (1997) Real-time studies of benthic-pelagic interactions using BESS: an ROV driven benthic shuttle system. Marine Tech. Soc. Journal 31, 21-33.
- Reimers, C.E., Ruttenberg, K.C., Canfield, D.E., Christiansen, M.B. and Martin, J.B. (1996) Pore water pH and authigenic phases formed in the uppermost sediments of the Santa Barbara Basin. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 60, 4037-4057.
- Whalen, S.C., Reeburgh, W.S., and Reimers, C.E. (1996) Control of tundra methane emission by microbial oxidation. In: JF Reynolds and JD Tenhunen (eds), Landscape Function: Implications for Ecosystem Response to Disturbance, A Case Study in Arctic Tundra. Springer‑Verlag, NY, pp. 257‑274.
- Tengberg, A., De Bovee, F., Hall, P., Berelson, W., Chadwick, B., Ciceri, G., Crassous, P., Devol, A., Emerson, S., Gage, J., Glud, R., Graziottin, F., Gundersen, J., Hammond, D., Helder, W., Hinga, K., Holby, O., Jahnke,. R., Khripounoff, A., Lieberman, S., Nuppenau, V., Pfannkuche, O., Reimers, C., Rowe, G. Sahami, A., Sayles, F., Schurter, M., Smallman, D., Wehrli, B., and De Wilde, P. (1996) Benthic chamber and profile landers in oceanography- a review of design, technical solutions and functioning. Progress in Oceanography 35, 253-294.
- Bauer, J. E., Reimers, C.E., Druffel, E.R.M., and Williams, P.M. (1995) Constraining the exchange of dissolved organic and inorganic carbon between deep ocean sediments and seawater using natural 14C and 13 Nature 373, 686-689.
- Cai, W.-J., Reimers, C.E., and Shaw, T. (1995) Microelectrode studies of organic carbon degradation and calcite dissolution at a California continental rise site. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 59, 497-510.
- Cai, W.-J., and Reimers, C.E. (1995) Benthic oxygen flux, bottom water oxygen concentration and core top organic carbon content in the deep Northeast Pacific Ocean. Deep-Sea Res. 42, 1681-1699.
- Cai, W.-J., and Reimers, C.E. (1993) The development of pH and pCO2 microelectrodes for studying the carbonate chemistry of pore waters near the sediment-water interface. Oceanogr. 38, 1776-1787.
- Reimers, C.E., Jahnke, R.A., and McCorkle, D. (1992) Carbon fluxes and burial rates over the continental slope and rise off central California with implications for the global carbon cycle. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 6, 199-224.
- Schmidt, H., and Reimers, C.E. (1991) The recent history of trace metal accumulation in the Santa Barbara Basin, Southern California Borderland. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Sci. 33, 485-500.
- Bernhard, J.M., and Reimers, C.E. (1991) Benthic forminiferal population fluctuations related to anoxia: Santa Barbara Basin. Geomicrobiol. Journal 15, 127-149.
- Reimers, C.E., Lange, C.B., Tabak, M., and Bernhard, J.M. (1990) Seasonal spillover and varve formation in the Santa Barbara Basin, California. Oceanog. 35, 1577-1585.
- Jahnke, R.A., Reimers, C.E., and Craven, D.B. (1990) Intensification of recycling of organic matter at the sea floor near ocean margins. Nature 348, 50-54.
- Garrison, R.E., Kastner, M., and Reimers, C.E. (1990) Miocene phosphogenesis in California. In: Burnett, W.C. and Riggs, S.R. (eds.), Phosphate Deposits of the World, Vol. III: Neogene to Modern Phosphorites. Cambridge University Press, pp. 285-299.
- Reimers, C.E., Kastner, M., and Garrison, R.E. (1990) The role of bacterial mats in phosphate mineralization with particular reference to the Monterey Formation. In: Burnett, W.C., and Riggs, S.R. (eds.), Phosphate Deposits of the World, Vol. III: Neogene to Modern Phosphorites. Cambridge University Press, pp. 300-311.
- Kastner, M., Garrison, R.E., Kolodny, Y., Reimers, C.E., and Shemesh, A. (1990) Coupled changes of oxygen isotopes in PO4-3 and CO3-2 in apatite, with emphasis on the Monterey Formation, California. In: Burnett, W.C. and Riggs, S.R. (eds.), Phosphate Deposits of the World, Vol. III: Neogene to Modern Phosphorites. Cambridge University Press, pp. 312-324.
- Heggie, D.T., Skyring, G.W., O’Brien, G.W., Reimers, C.E., Herczeg, A., and Moriarty, D.J.W. (1990) Organic carbon cycling and modern phosphorite formation on the East Australian continental margin: an overview. In: Notholt, A.J.G. and Jarvis, I. (eds.) Phosphorite Research and Development. Geol. Soc. London Special Publ. No. 52, pp. 87-117.
- Archer, D., Emerson, S.R., and Reimers, C.E. (1989) Dissolution of calcite in deep-sea sediments: pH and O2 microelectrode results. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 53, 2831-2847.
- Jahnke, R.A., Emerson, S.R., Reimers, C.E., Schuffert, J., Ruttenberg, K., and Archer, D. (1989) Benthic recycling of biogenic debris in the eastern tropical Atlantic Ocean. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 53, 2947-2960.
- Reimers, C.E., and Wakefield, W.W. (1989) Flocculation of siliceous detritus on the sea floor of a deep Pacific seamount. Deep-Sea Res. 36, 1841-1861.
- Reimers, C.E. (1989) Control of benthic fluxes by particulate supply. In: Berger, W.H., Smetacek, V.S. and Wefer, G. (eds.) Productivity of the Ocean: Present and Past. Dahlem Konferenzen, Chichester, John Wiley and Sons, pp. 217-233.
- Jumars, P.A., Altenbach, A.V., De Lange, G.J., Emerson, S.R., Hargrave, B.T., Muller, P.J., Prahl, F.G., Reimers, C.E., Steiger, T., and Suess, E. (1989) Transformation of seafloor-arriving fluxes into the sedimentary record. In: Berger, W.H., Smetacek, V.S., and Wefer, G. (eds.) Productivity of the Ocean:Present and Past. Dahlem Konferenzen, Chichester, John Wiley and Sons, pp. 291-311.
- Kuivila, K.M., Murray, J.W., Devol, A.H., Lidstrom, M.E., and Reimers, C.E. (1988) Methane cycling in the sediments of Lake Washington. Limnol. Oceanogr. 33, 571-581.
- Reimers, C.E. (1987) An in situ microprofiling instrument for measuring interfacial pore water gradients: methods and oxygen profiles from the North Pacific Ocean. Deep-Sea Res. 34, 2019-2035.
- Reimers, C.E., Fischer, K.M., Merewether, R., Smith, K.L., Jr., and Jahnke, R.A. (1986) Oxygen microprofiles measured in situ in deep ocean sediments. Nature 320, 741-744.
- Reimers, C.E., and Smith, K.L., Jr. (1986) Reconciling measured and predicted fluxes of oxygen across the deep sea sediment-water interface. Limnol. Oceanogr. 31, 305-318.
- Emerson, S., Fischer, K., Reimers, C., and Heggie, D. (1985) Organic carbon dynamics and preservation in deep-sea sediments. Deep-Sea Res. 32, 1-21.
- Reimers, C.E., Kalhorn, S., Emerson, S.R., and Nealson, K.H. (1984) Oxygen consumption rates in pelagic sediments from the central Pacific: First estimates from microelectrode profiles. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 48, 903-910.
- Williams, L.A., and Reimers, C.E. (1983) The role of bacterial mats in oxygen deficient marine basins and coastal upwelling regimes: A preliminary report. Geology 11, 267-269.
- Reimers, C.E., and Suess, E. (1983) Spatial and temporal patterns of organic matter accumulation on the Peru continental margin. In: Coastal Upwelling Its Sediment Record, Part B. Sedimentary Records of Ancient Coastal Upwelling. Thiede, J. and Suess, E. (eds.), Plenum Press, 311-346.
- Reimers, C.E., and Suess, E. (1983) Late Quaternary fluctuations in the cycling of organic matter off central Peru: A proto-kerogen record. In: Coastal Upwelling Its Sediment Record, Part A. Responses of the Sedimentary Regime to Present Coastal Upwelling. Suess, E., and Thiede, J. (eds.), Plenum Press, 497-526.
- Reimers, C.E., and Suess, E. (1983) The partitioning of organic carbon fluxes and sedimentary organic matter decomposition rates in the oceans. Chem. 13, 141-168.
- Reimers, C.E. (1982) Organic matter in anoxic sediments off central Peru: Relations of porosity, microbial decomposition, and deformation properties. Mar. Geol. 46, 175-197.
- Suess, E., Müller, P.J., Powell, H.S., and Reimers, C.E. (1980) A closer look at nitrification in pelagic sediments. Geochem. Jour. 14, 129-137.
1970 – 1979
- Reimers, C.E., and Komar, P.D. (1979) Evidence for explosive volcanic density currents on certain Martian volcanoes. Icarus 39, 88-110.
- Komar, P.D., and Reimers, C.E. (1978) Grain shape effects on settling rates. Jour. Geology 86, 193-209.