Weekly Posts

Week 7: IPIP-NEO Test

After taking the test, I received the results of high extraversion, high agreeableness, high conscientiousness, low neuroticism, and average openness to experience. My highest individual score was self-efficacy while my lowest score was anger. I think my test results show that I am a very people-oriented person and I am very cognizant of my impact on those around me. I stay calm and collected even when experiencing stressful events in my life. I enjoy experiencing new things but also appreciate normalcy.

If a potential employer was viewing these results, they may see that I can lack imagination and new perspectives. They would see that I am very conscientious of my actions and the impact of others. They would see that I believe in myself and do not let things stress me out. I scored very high on cooperation which could result in me being a great team player. Depending on the type of job that I would be in, could have greater impacts on what the employer may think. For example, based on the high extraversion score, I could be well suited for customer facing positions that require a lot of interaction. On the other hand, I probably would not be suited to work behind a computer all. Additionally, I would likely work well in environments that are regularly changing and bringing new projects. This would work well with my openness to experience.

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One reply on “Week 7: IPIP-NEO Test”

Hey Sara!
I think it is great to be aware that you might lack having new perspectives. This is important to know so that you can work on things and become a better leader. It is also good that you can see that you are a team player and are willing to listen to other people. This is something that all employers are looking for. Was there any area that you had low and high on? I had a few that had both very low and very high sections.

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