Weekly Posts

Week 10: Most Important Thing I’ve Learned

Throughout this team, I have learned a lot of practical things that I will be able to take into my current and future positions. The two things that stand out to me the most is being an active applicant and building/maintaining my network. The idea of advocating for myself as a candidate has always made me uncomfortable. By taking a step out of my comfort zone to showcase my skills and desires in a new position, could lead to new and rewarding position with a company that may be more aligned with my goals and values. Being an active applicant can look different ways, so I can choose a few ways that make me comfortable and gain visibility by potential employers. Additionally, I would be able to highlight my current skills and experience while communicating what I am looking for in a new position. By communicating this with a company before applying, it saves their time, and my own time, by matching values immediately or not. Regarding the network, I have always believed that building a strong network is key to finding new opportunities and potential candidates. The process that is discussed regarding building a network was extremely impacting. By committing a small amount of time on a consistent basis, you can get great recommendations and stay connected with people in drastically different industries. By creating consistent time to check in with different people in your network, it helps people stay relevant but also allows you to build a meaningful connection. While I have been focused on building my network, this gave me practical actions that I can immediately put into action. I have not approached building my network in such a process driven way. By implementing these changes into my life, I will be able to make myself more known as a candidate and be surrounded by a large network when I am searching for a new position.

Weekly Posts

Week 9: Self Reflection

1. What am I good at?

I believe that I am good at building connections with individuals and creating a safe place to bring concerns. I believe that I am good at understanding the goals of an organization and identifying areas of improvement. I also believe that I am good at being hearing someone out to understand how I can best encourage/support them.

2. What do I value?

I value direct and clear communication styles. I value integrity and honesty among my team and colleagues. I value organizations that are focused on helping the world, not just making money. I value continual learning and growth. I value authentic relationships.

3. How did I get here?

I got here through following my passions, interests, and seeking out new opportunities in each area of my life. I try to set goals and work toward them daily. I focus on introspection and continually trying to improve myself. I have been able to make it here because of the relationships I have and the support system I am surrounded with.

4. Where am I going?

I am hoping to finish my MBA degree and then pursue positions that are related to the management consulting field. I would love to work with startups and smaller companies to establish clear and sustainable business practices. I would eventually like to branch into the winery management field and look into opportunities to own and run a winery.

Weekly Posts

Week 7: IPIP-NEO Test

After taking the test, I received the results of high extraversion, high agreeableness, high conscientiousness, low neuroticism, and average openness to experience. My highest individual score was self-efficacy while my lowest score was anger. I think my test results show that I am a very people-oriented person and I am very cognizant of my impact on those around me. I stay calm and collected even when experiencing stressful events in my life. I enjoy experiencing new things but also appreciate normalcy.

If a potential employer was viewing these results, they may see that I can lack imagination and new perspectives. They would see that I am very conscientious of my actions and the impact of others. They would see that I believe in myself and do not let things stress me out. I scored very high on cooperation which could result in me being a great team player. Depending on the type of job that I would be in, could have greater impacts on what the employer may think. For example, based on the high extraversion score, I could be well suited for customer facing positions that require a lot of interaction. On the other hand, I probably would not be suited to work behind a computer all. Additionally, I would likely work well in environments that are regularly changing and bringing new projects. This would work well with my openness to experience.