Weekly Posts

Week 1: Job Application Experiences

Describe your experiences from the perspective of an applicant for the last job you for which you applied.

The last job that I applied to was for the position that I currently hold, HR Liaison at Oregon State University. When I was job searching, I was looking for a position that would allow me to work in a strategic role that had noticeable impact on the team. During the application stage, I submitted my resume, cover letter, and application materials. I was careful to clearly communicate how my experience has prepared me for the position and that I met the minimum and preferred qualifications. I was contacted to have an interview with the committee, which I accepted and had scheduled for the following week. On the day of the interview, I arrived at the office and checked in around 10 minutes before my scheduled interview time. Shortly after, I was called back and had the in-person interview. I answered questions regarding my experience, how I would react in specific situations, and how I deal with difficult customers or co-workers. To wrap up the interview, I was given the chance to ask the committee any questions. By the end of the week, I had heard back from the hiring manager and was offered the position.

Explain how your experiences during the job application process shaped your impression of the job you were applying for and your desire to work there (or in some cases to not work there).

Throughout the job application process, I knew that organizations similar to OSU were very critical in defining what their minimum qualifications were and I understood that they were not suggestions. Therefore, I was very clear, descriptive, and direct when stating what my qualifications were. During the interview process, I asked a variety of questions that addressed the impact of the position, the culture of the office and team, and what the future of this position would be. In hearing the responses, I could tell that this position would have the opportunity to have strategic impact in the office. I also was able to see the camaraderie among the interview committee. The hiring manager was very clear that this position would have a lot of change and growth with the organizational changes that were going to occur within the office and in the university. Throughout the process, I was shown that the team was very close and supportive of one another. I gained the sense that the hiring manager was trusting of her team and had no issues giving autonomy to her staff. Additionally, I felt that there was very clear information from the whole committee, even if it showed the challenges of the role. I felt like I knew what I was accepting when I accepted the position.

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2 replies on “Week 1: Job Application Experiences”

Hey Sara!
How cool is it that you get to work for an organization where you attend school. I think it is really important to find a company that fits the culture you are looking for. You said you want to make a difference and have an impact on people and that is something they strive to do. How do you like working in an environment that is dynamic as they said it would be? Do you like having things change a lot or would you prefer to have more a of set job that you can perfect? This is a hard question because on one hand you always want to be growing and learning but on the other you want to get better at what you do.

Hi Austin,
I do enjoy working at OSU, it has shown me a lot of great employment practices and a few areas that can be improved upon. To answer your question, I appreciate the constant change to grow and adapt to the work that is needed. I will say, the time in which I don’t like the change is when there is little or no communication that the change is occurring. I don’t mind the change as long as I can act in a proactive way instead of a reactive way. I would take a job that is different every day rather than one that I can perfect!

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