
Class of 2015 Convocation

On Friday, June 5th, 2015, in addition to the OSU|OHSU College of Pharmacy graduation ceremony, P4 students had the opportunity to participate in Oregon Health & Science University’s inter-professional Convocation Ceremony. This is a new event for all of OHSU healthcare students, faculty, and administrators from Schools of Dentistry, Medicine, Nursing, and Pharmacy. This celebratory […]


OSPA Lane County CE Event 2015 – Full Overview

          Paige Clark (’85), RPh, Alumni Director with Jenny Rubenstein (’17), Thi Nguyen (’17), and Victoria Li (’17).       Marine Schmitt (’18) and John Myers (’18) with current OSU College of Pharmacy faculty member, Mark Christensen, PhD. and recent Alum, Brendon Blaustein (’13).     On the weekend of […]


Two Faculty Farewells – Jeffrey Ruder, Academic Advisor & Dr. Matthew Ito, Researcher

It is never easy saying goodbye to our faculty members here at OSU College of Pharmacy. Both Ruder and Dr. Ito have been a significant part of our curriculum and the journey for our students.     Jeff Ruder accepted a position with Ecampus; a fantastic opportunity for him! He has been instrumental in developing […]


February PEPP Featuring Tara Pfund (’09)

Community Pharmacy Clinical Pharmacists and Residents, the “New Kids on the Block” Tara Pfund (’09) giving her presentation to P3 students at CLSB. On February 9th, PEPP (PharmD Enrichment and Professionalism Program) presented “Community Pharmacy Clinical Pharmacists and Residents, the ‘New Kids on the Block’” by Dr. Tara Pfund (’09), Fred Meyer Clinical Staff Pharmacist […]


OSU Pharmacy Students Lending a Helping Hand for University of Oregon’s Mass Meningitis Vaccination

    OSU College of Pharmacy Student Volunteers with Albertsons-Safeway Representatives, Amy Valdez (’99), RPh and Kevin Russell (’93), RPh   This week, March 2-5, the University of Oregon in Eugene & Albertsons-Safeway will be hosting a vaccination effort to protect the college population from spreading and contracting Meningitis. About 40 Oregon State University students have volunteered […]


OSPA Lane County 2015 – Visitors to the OSU CoP Booth

This past weekend, Pharmacists from all over the state of Oregon participated in the annual OSPA Lane County CE event in Eugene, OR. OSU College of Pharmacy had a booth set up to showcase our available online CE programs and upcoming events for the college. Below are a few photos of speakers, alumni, students, and […]