faculty news

Drug Dosing by the Numbers for Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease

( – CORVALLIS, Ore. – Pharmacists at Oregon State University have developed a new approach to developing drug dosages for patients with chronic kidney disease that shows promise for improving the therapeutic value of drugs while minimizing adverse effects. The process, which provides a systematic analysis of the complex interplay among biological, chemical and pharmaceutical […]

alumni news faculty news student news

Apothecary Ball – Feb 19th!

Please join us at the OSU College of Pharmacy’s 6th Annual Apothecary Ball on Saturday, February 19th, 2011. Activities include exciting casino games, delicious hors d’oeuvres, and dancing the night away! This event assists in the professional development of pharmacy students by funding outreaches in the community and subsidizing attendance to professional meetings throughout the […]

faculty news

Professor lends expertise to ADA

In 2007, Craig Williams from the OSU College of Pharmacy was asked to be the first pharmacist on the American Diabetes Association’s national guideline committee which is called the Professional Practice Committee. “A lot of my expertise and background is on cardiovascular disease and its prevention and we did a lot in 2007 to rewrite […]

faculty news

“Co-Conspirator” cells could hold key to melanoma prediction, prevention

CORVALLIS, Ore. – 8/30/10 — New research on how skin cancer begins has identified adjacent cancer cells that scientists are calling “co-conspirators” in the genesis of melanoma, in findings that could someday hold the key to predicting, preventing and stopping this hard-to-treat cancer before it spreads. Changes in the body’s pigment-producing cells, where melanoma – […]

alumni news faculty news student news

New College of Pharmacy Newsletter Site

Welcome to the all-new College of Pharmacy News & Events site. Keep up on the latest news, events, faculty research, alumni accomplishments and student outreaches! How this site works: All student news or alumni news is “tagged” appropriately, so if you only want to see our student news, look to the right menu and click […]

alumni news faculty news student news

Alani awarded AACP Faculty Award

Dr. Adam Alani was awarded the AACP New Pharmacy Faculty Research Award for his research on the Metronomic Delivery of Paclitaxel by pH Modulated Release from Polymeric Micelles for Ovarian Cancer Treatment. To learn more about Alani and his research, visit his faculty web page here, and see an article from the University of Wisconsin about […]