
Julie Rosling (’69) Visits the FDA Headquarters

On Tuesday, September 22, 2015, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) held a public meeting on, “Huntington’s disease Patient – Focused Drug Development,” at their White Oak Campus in Silver Spring, Maryland. Julie (Miles) Rosling (’69), who is disabled with Huntington’s disease, was selected by the FDA to be a member of a […]


Pharmacists Prescribing Hormonal Contraceptives in Oregon with Lorinda Anderson, PharmD & Paige Clark, R.Ph – Presented by PEPP (PharmD Enrichment and Professional Program) and EA (Entrepreneurial Academy)

On Thursday January 14, 2016, PEPP (PharmD Enrichment and Professionalism Program) and EA (Entrepreneurial Academy) presented Pharmacists Prescribing Hormonal Contraceptives in Oregon with Lorinda Anderson, PharmD and Paige Clark, R.Ph and Director of Alumni Relations & Professional Development. Paige Clark (’85), RPh and Director of Alumni Relations & Professional Development and Lorinda Anderson, PharmD explaining the process […]


How Oregon Pharmacists are Prescribing Birth Control – Pharmacy Times Article featuring Dr. Lorinda Anderson

Lorinda Anderson, PharmD, BCPS, professor at Oregon State University College of Pharmacy “Pharmacists in Oregon rang in the New Year with permission to prescribe birth control. A state law effective January 1, 2016, authorizes Oregon pharmacists to prescribe and dispense transdermal and oral contraceptives to women aged 18 or older and also those younger than […]


Just Three Questions: Study Finds a Better Way to Counsel Pharmacy Patients – Gazette-Times Article featuring Robert Boyce

Robert Boyce outside the Student Health Service Building. Photo courtesy of Godofredo Vasquez, Mid-Valley Health “For more than two decades, Robert Boyce has championed a method of counseling pharmacy patients that he was certain did a better job of ensuring those patients understood their prescriptions. It’s a simple technique: Instead of a pharmacist spending a […]


National, State, & Local Media Outlets Focus on Changing Landscape for Pharmacists Prescribing Hormonal Contraceptives in Oregon

With Oregon as the first state in the nation to implement prescriptive authority for pharmacists, news outlets from all over the country are focusing their conversations on what this means for pharmacists, for the medical community, and for the general public. In an effort to learn more about the process of building the law, went behind […]


Dr. Jane Ishmael Selected for Governor-Appointed Task Force

Dr. Jane Ishmael, OSU/OHSU Associate Professor Senate Bill 844 passed in 2015 and was charged with creating a task force to research the medical and public health properties of Cannabis. The task force was formed in December and consists of 15 members, appointed by the Governor, including College of Pharmacy faculty member Dr. Jane Ishmael. […]