
2016 PharmD/MBA Informational Forum

Students gather to learn about the PharmD/MBA program The PharmD/MBA Forum on Friday, May 20th, 2016, was an event developed in collaboration with the OSU College of Business and OSU College of Pharmacy to bring together current MBA/PharmD dual degree students and current PharmD students interested in pursuing the dual degree in the future. Students gather and […]


Student Outreach: Health Care Equity Week

P1 student Kevin Christy (’19) with P3 students Hoa Le (’17), Gechi Erinne (’17), and Alison Kovari (’17) On Sunday, April 24th, 2016 OSU/OHSU Pharmacy students, as well as OHSU Medical, Nursing and Dentistry students gather with faculty and other volunteers near Portland’s O’Bryant Square to participate in the Health Care Equity Week Health Fair. OSU […]


Faculty Promotions and Tenure

On Wednesday, May 18th, OSU College of Pharmacy Dean Mark Zabriskie announced the Promotion and Tenure decisions for several of our colleagues. Congratulations on your accomplishments! David Bearden Promoted to Clinical Professor Miriam Elman Promoted to Senior Faculty Research Associate, Department of Pharmacy Practice Adam Alani Promoted to Associate Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Granted Indefinite Tenure


Pharm.D. Enrichment and Professionalism Program (PEPP) brings Beth Biggs of Consonus Pharmacy

On Wednesday, June 1st, 2016 the Pharm.D. Enrichment and Professionalism Program (PEPP) presented Pharmacists Building Interprofessional Relationships for Better Clinical Care – Developing Your Personal “Brand” hosted by American Society of Consultant Pharmacists (ASCP) Student Chapter with Beth Biggs, Vice President of Operations, Consonus Pharmacy. PEPP Speaker, Beth Biggs, with George Gerding, Dr. David Lee, and ASCP […]


2016 Women in Pharmacy Luncheon

The annual OSU Women in Pharmacy luncheon on Friday, May 13th, 2016 was a fantastic gathering of valued alumni and friends of the College. The event was held at the Historic Old School Cafe in Corvallis Oregon. Paige Clark (’85), OSU College of Pharmacy Director of Alumni Relations with Susan Poole (’69), RPh The group discussed current initiatives […]


Sarah Schwab (’96) Featured in East Oregonian “Quick Action Saves Hermiston Woman’s Life During Cardiac Arrest”

“Marguerite Darby likely owes her life to a quick-acting pharmacist and a new way of performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Darby, 60, doesn’t remember much about the day she went into cardiac arrest at the Hermiston Rite Aid store. She woke up a week later in a Seattle hospital with only fuzzy memories of shopping for patio […]