student news

OSU College of Pharmacy Students Hone Their Skills at Renown Regional Medical Center, Reno, Nevada

Setting the vision for a stronger tomorrow, Renown Regional hospital in northern Nevada is helping students from Oregon State University, College of Pharmacy by giving then a unique opportunity for training through internships, rotations and residency programs. During this summer, Lauren Armijo and Kari Cantrell did their summer internship (see below a video of a pharmacist, praising their work) and Pamela Soh did the Institutional Pharmacy Practice Orientation Clerkship at Renown Regional. Through these intern and clerkship opportunities, students learn skills that are used in the community to help organize and participate in activities as well as to advance their knowledge of hospital pharmacy.

Renown Regional has a long standing history of grooming future pharmacy leaders by working in collaboration with Oregon State University, College of Pharmacy. Student rotation opportunities include infectious diseases, internal medicine, pediatrics, ambulatory care, critical care, hospital, oncology and drug information. Renown Regional has an ASHP accredited PGY1 program and supports three PGY1 residents. There is also a PGY2 residency program in Critical Care. Hopefully, more students from OSU/OHSU college of Pharmacy can make use of these opportunities. Thanks to the Department of Pharmacy, Director Ronald Speizer, and Pharmacy clinical coordinator, Kate Ward and the entire pharmacy staff for helping Students from OSU-College of Pharmacy with training and preparing them for a better future in helping the community and the world at large.

Watch a video about the work OSU College of Pharmacy students did at Renown here: Renown Pharmacist Video Clip

Article submitted by

Pamela Soh

APhA-ASP President Elect

PharmD Candidate 2014

OSU College of Pharmacy