
State of the University Address 2016


OSU College of Pharmacy Alumni and Students at the State of the University Address 2016. Left to Right: Paige Clark (’85), Amy Valdez (’99), Frosty Comer (’68), Vicki Comer, Bob Coulter (’73), P3 Gechi Erinne (’17), P3 Susan Fedler (’17), and Cathy Lew (’83)

On Friday, February 12th, 2016, Oregon State University President, Edward J. Ray, gave the annual State of the University Address at the Oregon Convention Center. Many were present to hear his powerful words highlighting the incredible Momentum, Excellence, Innovation, and Leadership at Oregon State. Alumni, students and faculty alike came to represent the College of Pharmacy. We would like to extend our thanks to those who joined us:

Larry Cartier (’74), Becky Cartier, Frosty Comer (’68), Vicki Comer, Bob Coulter (’73), P3 Gechi Erinne (’17), Joe Fazio, P3 Susan Fedler (’17), Daniel Kennedy (’93), Cathy Lew (’83), P3 Vikki Li (’17), Amy Valdez (’99), and Vince & Amira Whiting.

60b61aee-989c-45d8-a525-04905ed83fc6Larry Cartier (’74) talking with OSU College of Pharmacy Dean, Mark Zabriskie during State of the University Lunch

520b2794-51b8-4c64-ae76-34d91baf2abbFriends of the College of Pharmacy, Vince and Amira Whiting

de79397e-ba65-4d07-9051-f3e96d570ba3P3 students, Gechi Erinne and Susan Fedler – ’17, helping at the OSU College of Pharmacy booth during the State of the University Address

President Ray said of Oregon State’s notable achievements in 2015, “This past year, Oregon State faculty generated a record $309 million in research funding – nearly totaling the combined research of Oregon’s six other public universities. But it isn’t that number that is impressive but rather the benefit of this work, including ground-breaking discoveries in the Linus Pauling Institute and the colleges of Science and Pharmacy to treat Lou Gehrig’s disease and cancer within the college of Agricultural Sciences and Forestry to feed and shelter a fast-growing world population while protecting the environment.”

02ac1121-b8f7-4890-b661-ac6889fea467OSU President, Edward J. Ray during the Q&A portion of
the State of the University Address

He closed by stating, “Let me assure you that while we know that we are not done, we can be confident that working together, the best is yet to come.”

If you want to read his full speech, you can find it here.