
Welcome New Faculty Members

Welcome New Faculty Members

OSU College of Pharmacy welcomes two new members to our Beaver family!
Rebecca Castner is a new faculty members in Pharmacy Practice and comes to us most recently from a faculty position with the Chicago State University College of Pharmacy. She is a PharmD graduate of the University of Maryland, with a PGY1 from Xavier University of Louisiana and a PGY2 with the University of Cincinnati. She is a Clinical Assistant Professor who will have a clinical practice in ambulatory care at Central City Concerns.
Nic Bookman comes to us with a Master of Public Health [International Health Major, Epidemiology Focus] from OSU and has been at the OHSU School of Nursing since 2012. During his time at School of Nursing, he was instrumental in the development of the Interprofessional Care Access Network (I-CAN). The primary purpose of this position is to support and evaluation of academic and experiential educational outcomes in the Pharm.D. program. He will work primarily to support Juancho Ramirez, PharmD and Tanya Ostrogorsky, EdD to make stronger use of assessment data to drive evidence-based improvements across the College, in support of future strategic planning, and an accreditation self-study.