On March 10th, 2016 P3 students Austin Pliska, Thi Nguyen, Dan Muongpack, and Le Diem (Teresa) Pham, all part of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP) group, were recognized as the recipients of the “Forging the Way Award” at the All-Hill Student Council 11th Annual Flame Awards.

Dan Muongpack (’17), Thi Nguyen (’17), Le Diem (Teresa) Pham (’17), and Austin Pliska (’17)
This award recognizes a group of students who have collectively volunteered to change their community. They were nominated due to the services they provided by volunteering with OHSU’s Interdisciplinary Community Health and Education Exchange (iCHEE) outreaches.
Congratulations to P3 students Austin, Thi, Dan, and Teresa for their great work and award!