
The Lund Report “Pharmacists on Primary Care Team Save Money, Lives” – by Jan Johnson Quotes Stacy Ramirez, PharmD, OSU College of Pharmacy Assistant Clinical Professor

Stacy Ramirez, PharmD, OSU College of Pharmacy Assistant Clinical Professor

“Pharmacists and insurers urge those managing pharmacy benefits to support Legislation making clinical pharmacists a part of interdisciplinary medical care teams.

Stacy Ramirez is a faculty member at Oregon State University, yet spends the majority of her time in clinical practice working with primary care homes in Benton and Linn Counties.
Speaking at a conference co-sponsored by the Oregon Association of Health Underwriters and the Pharmacy Benefits Academy West, she told participants that clinical pharmacists have become problem solvers, helping patients not only receive the appropriate drug therapy, but also helping them “figure out how they’re going to afford their drug therapy.”

To read the rest of the report, continue here.