
PEPP Presents Two Speakers

The PharmD Enrichment and Professionalism Program (PEPP) is an extracurricular program designed to help enrich the professional development of students. PEPP presents speakers from different backgrounds and career areas to share the many opportunities available to young pharmacy professionals.

PEPP - Altland

Bill Altland with Mireille Rygnestad, PEPP Coordinator, and Brett Nibler, International Pharmacy Student Federation Coordinator

Two speakers this term, have come to the College to present to students—Bill Altland, RPh, and Maggi Olmon, PharmD, MBA. Bill, who recently sold his pharmacy in rural Alaska, spoke to the students about opportunities to participate in both short and long-term international medical missions. Maggi, a representative for Abbvie, one of the College’s Pharmacy Partners, spoke to students about the opportunities in the pharmaceutical industry, as well as for those who earn a dual PharmD/MBA degree.

PEPP - Olmon

Maggi Olmon with Kelly Kovl, EA President, and Paige Clark (’85), Director of Alumni Relations and Professional Development

If you are interested in speaking to our students about a unique career path, please email Paige Clark.