
Homecoming 2015 – You’re Invited!

You’re Invited!!

OSU College of Pharmacy
Homecoming is Saturday!


Come and join the Homecoming fun
at the College of Pharmacy!


Are you coming to the game? It’s HOMECOMING!

The Beaver’s will take on Colorado at 7:30pm.

Before the game, come to the Dean’s Coffee!

Open House in the Pharmacy Building from 3:30-4:30pm.

Reunion events for the classes of the “5’s”

Reunion social at 1:30pm in the Memorial Union
Young Alumni Tailgater at 4:30pm behind Kerr (Classes of 2010-2015)15eb9a32-fa3a-47a2-b5ef-25a51df62325 6655e8e3-e37e-440e-bf2d-721300b70831