
Dr. Gaurav Sahay Awarded – CRS T. Nagai Postdoctoral Research Achievement Award

“Gaurav Sahay is an Assistant Professor in the College of Pharmacy at Oregon State/Oregon Health Science University. Currently, Sahay Lab is dissecting the molecular mechanisms involved in intracellular trafficking of nanomedicines and engineering methods to trigger their endosomal escape for cytosolic delivery of RNA therapeutics.

The CRS. T. Nagai Postdoctoral Research Achievement Award recognizes an individual postdoc who has recently completed postdoctoral research in controlled release science and technology and the postdoc’s advisor, who played an integral role in the achievements.
The CRS T. Nagai Postdoctoral Research Achievement Award has been established to recognize those who have made an outstanding postdoctoral research achievement in controlled release science and technology.”


To learn more about this award, check out the website here.