
Nanotechnology Innovations in Cancer Research at CLSB

Oregon State University College of Pharmacy researchers are forging a path into the future of successful cancer surgery. They have developed a groundbreaking method to selectively inject compounds into cancer cells and, together with phototherapy, kill any residual cancer cells after the tumor has been removed.

“OSU researchers hope to perfect the process and then collaborate with Shay Bracha, and assistant professor in the OSU College of Veterinary Medicine, to test it on live dogs that have malignant tumors.”

“‘With this approach, cancerous cells and tumors will literally glow and fluoresce when exposed to near-infrared light, giving the surgeon a precise guide about what to remove,’ [Oleh] Taratula, [assistant professor in the OSU College of Pharmacy] said. ‘That same light will activate compounds in the cancer cells that will kill any malignant cells that remain. It’s an exciting new approach to help surgery succeed.'”

To learn more about this amazing research, you can read the original article here.