Eggs Florentine Fast

An open faced breakfast sandwich on sourdough English muffins featuring poached eggs, spinach, and a buttery hollandaise sauce

See pictures and read about many variations of this dish:

Ingredients for one serving:

1 Sourdough English Muffin split in two

2 eggs

1.5 cups spinach

Hollandaise Sauce Packet, Butter, Milk, Optional: Lemon Juice Note: You will not need a full batch of sauce for a serving of one.

Optional: Tomato or Broccoli


Pan to boil water on the stove for poaching the egg

Toaster, oven, or pan on the stovetop to toast the muffin

Pan to wilt spinach

Pan to cook hollandaise sauce


  1. Prepare the sauce according to the package instructions. Basic technique: mix together the ingredients and heat till thickened in a pan on the stovetop. Set aside keeping warm. Tip: If you are making sauce for one serving you can make just part of the packet and save for later. Optional: Add a little lemon juice to sauce at the end.
  2. Wilt the spinach. In a pan on the stove, add 1-1.5 cups of spinach per serving and heat till the leaves soften and release some liquid.
  3. Poach the eggs. Instructions for poaching an egg with pictures: or See instructions below
  4. Split the muffin in half and toast.
  5. For each half English muffin: Place one side of muffin, add wilted spinach, top with poached egg, and pour hollandaise over the top.
  6. Optional: serve with sliced tomato or cooked broccoli.

How to Poach an Egg 

1. Boil water in a pot. (I add a splash of soy sauce to the water. It really doesn’t matter but looks more attractive to me when I do this.) 

2. Crack an egg into a small bowl or measuring cup. Don’t break the yolk. 

3. Reduce from boil to make the water still. 

4. Use a spoon to stir the water in the pot in a circle in one direction to get a gentle current going. 

5. Gently slide the egg out of the bowl/measuring cup into the middle of the swirling water. The water will swirl the while around keeping it together better when it cooks. 

6. Leave it alone. Set a lid on top, peek to see when the white looks to be set. 

7. If it looks to be sticking to the bottom, gently pop it free with a rubber spatula. 


Recipe to try:

Eggs Benedict from Alton Brown at the Food Network. Includes a recipe for how to make hollandaise sauce from scratch.

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