Who would have known??

So it is day three here in Bangor and it already feels like I have been here for so long. I absolutely love it!! I have met so many new people! Surprisingly there are quite a few people from the states! Especially Denver! I have made close friends with a couple of people from there and we have been going to all of the events together. We also met a couple in one of our orientation meetings. one of them is from California and the other is from Belgium. Yesterday was a day filled with walking around. Honestly every day has been. The campus is spread all throughout town, which honestly I really love. We went to go pick up some essentials for our rooms and cooking supplies since we cook all of our own meals. I am starting to get by barrings of where everything is. We went out and got Chinese food last night where I learned that tipping isn’t really a thing in the UK and Europe. Afterward we went to an Asian market that was just across the street and for anyone who knows me will know how excited I was to go into it!! It was incredible!! We made a stop at a very nice bar across the street right after that where we all hung out and talked for a few hours.


Today we got an early start and I went for a run through town and found the Pier. It is absolutely incredible and probably my favorite place I have found so far!! At the end of the Pier is a tea room which I will FOR SURE be visiting soon!! When I got back we got registered at the gym and then walked around campus to get signed off on a couple of classes. There was a free lunch in one of the main buildings where we got to meet up with people in our same major and eat FREE food!! Which was a highlight for any college student!! Directly after we made a quick trip to the grocery store which let me tell you for me quick and grocery store don’t usually go in the same sentence, so that was a feat in and of itself! We made it in just enough time to unload groceries and head back out for a lesson on Welsh history!! Spoiler! fun facts to come! Overall this trip has been so incredbily amazing so far and I can even imagine what else is in store for me! I have already created a list of places I want to go and things that I want to see, but if you have any suggestions, by all means comment!! Thank you all for the support!


Wales fun facts!

  1. Welsh is the oldest Celtic language
  2. In Wales there are more castles per square mile than anywhere else in Europe
  3. Wales was first conquered by King Edward I
  4. Bangor means “church surrounded by a fence”
  5. There are about three million people living in Wales and about 11 million sheep
  6. Bangor is the poorest city in Wales and that makes it one of the cheapest college towns to live in
  7. The Prince of Wales is always the first born son of the King and Queen of England (Tradition started by King Edward I)

Stay tuned for more Wales Tales! Hint… next blog will be more of a dragon tale! Guesses below 😉

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